Cypriot Company Wins Commercial Battle Against Apple

Cypriot Company Wins Commercial Battle Against Apple

Cyprus-Based Video Game Company Defends Its Brand Identity at the EUIPO

Apella Games, a burgeoning video game company based in Cyprus, secured a notable victory against the tech behemoth, Apple Inc. The dispute centered around Apple's attempt to block Apella Games from registering its name and logo with the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO). Apple's contention was that Apella's branding bore too close a resemblance, visually, phonetically, and conceptually, to its own.

A press release detailed the EUIPO's decision, dated December 14, which upheld an earlier opinion issued this year. This ruling dismisses the claims of the American multinational, which argued that the public might confuse the two trademarks. The concern was that Apella Games could be mistakenly associated with Apple's well-established trademark.

The EUIPO clarified in its decision that the initial impression created by the trademarks, especially considering their visual differences, did not establish a substantial similarity. This lack of resemblance was deemed insufficient to cause confusion among professional consumers.
