CYTA and Huawei Unveil Pioneering Fire Detection Program in Cyprus

CYTA and Huawei Unveil Pioneering Fire Detection Program in Cyprus

Its Primary Objective Is the Safeguarding of Lives, Property, and the Pristine Cypriot Environment

At a significant event held today in the picturesque Athalassa National Forest Park, telecommunications giant CYTA and technology powerhouse Huawei jointly announced their collaboration to fight the rampant forest fires that have threatened the region. Present at the occasion was the Deputy Minister of Research and Innovation, Philippos Hadjizacharias, signifying the importance of this collaboration.

Dubbed "Smart & Green Village," the initiative is powered by a reliable 5G network and seeks to drastically change the way forest fires are detected and managed. Its primary objective is the safeguarding of lives, property, and the pristine Cypriot environment.

The attendees witnessed a live demonstration of a technologically advanced drone, a centerpiece of the initiative. This drone, with its embedded artificial intelligence, showcased capabilities ranging from aerial surveillance, rapid-fire detection, real-time data relay, to comprehensive mapping and modeling of fire-affected regions.

5G, AI and Drone Robotics

Drawing inspiration from a successful pilot project in Greece, the collaboration between NOVA and Huawei, the Smart & Green Village initiative will likely incorporate cutting-edge 5G technology, AI, and drone robotics. Strategically placed sensors connect with an incident management platform and the drone, ensuring timely responses to fire outbreaks. These sensors, using specialized algorithms, identify potential fire points. When fire or smoke is detected, the drone springs into action, providing real-time visuals to a control center, pinpointing the fire's origin, and tracking its progression.

This initiative represents a significant leap in forest fire management, ensuring rapid detection and thereby, crucially, the safety of citizens.
