Parliament Ratifies ISA Agreement, Cyprus Joins Global Solar Initiative

Parliament Ratifies ISA Agreement, Cyprus Joins Global Solar Initiative

With an Aim to Boost Renewable Energy Use

The Cyprus Parliament gave its assent on Thursday to the Framework Agreement for Cyprus' accession to the International Solar Alliance (ISA). The vote saw a majority in favor, with 41 parliamentarians voting for, four against, and one abstention.

The primary objective of the ISA is to promote solar energy exploitation through collective efforts to tackle common challenges and develop competitive solar energy projects.

During the discussion, legislators debated the merits of a proposed bi-communal solar park, considering it as a confidence-building measure that would benefit both communities on the island.

About the ISA

The ISA is a member-driven and collaborative platform designed to enhance the deployment of solar energy technologies, thus facilitating energy access, ensuring energy security, and promoting the energy transition in its member countries. It is committed to providing cost-effective, transformative energy solutions powered by the sun, aiming for a low-carbon growth path, especially for Least Developed Countries (LDCs) and Small Island Developing States (SIDS).

As a global coalition, the ISA's partnerships with multilateral development banks (MDBs), development financial institutions (DFIs), private and public sector organizations, civil society, and other international bodies are crucial for enacting the desired global change.

Guided by its 'Towards 1000' strategy, the ISA's goal is to mobilize USD 1,000 billion in investments for solar solutions by 2030, aiming to deliver clean energy access to 1,000 million people and establish 1,000 GW of solar capacity. This ambitious plan is set to significantly reduce solar emissions by approximately 1,000 million tonnes of CO2 annually.

To achieve these objectives, the ISA employs a programmatic approach with 9 comprehensive programs, each addressing a specific solar application to escalate the deployment of solar solutions. Its activities are concentrated in three strategic areas: Analytics & Advocacy, Capacity Building, and Programmatic Support, all of which are designed to nurture a conducive environment for solar investment.

The ISA was initiated by India and France as a collaborative response to climate change through the utilization of solar energy. It was first proposed at the 21st Conference of Parties (COP21) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in Paris, 2015. Following an amendment in 2020, all United Nations member states are now eligible for ISA membership. Currently, the ISA Framework Agreement has been signed by 116 countries, with 94 of these having completed ratification to become full-fledged members.
