Rialto Theatre's FlashArt 2024 to Boost Artistic Productions

Rialto Theatre's FlashArt 2024 to Boost Artistic Productions

Fostering Artistic Innovation and Empowering Creators

The Rialto Theatre announces the opening of applications for the 2024 FlashArt program, aimed at enhancing artistic production. This initiative supports creators, artists, and performers based in Cyprus, integrating performing, digital, and other art forms.

Since its introduction in 2020, the Rialto Theatre has showcased and supported 41 productions and over 190 artists. The program has been warmly embraced by the Cypriot artistic community, contributing significantly during the pandemic and highlighting productions across various performing arts disciplines.

The fifth edition of the program expands its objectives. Beyond showcasing contemporary creators and works, it now includes audience development, education, and inclusivity.

"The program aspires to boost the production capabilities of creators in Cyprus, increase the visibility and recognition of local artists, and strengthen diversity, outward orientation, and interdisciplinary art exchanges," the announcement notes.

Interested parties can submit proposals for new or existing productions (not earlier than 2022) that broadly address social issues and engage and involve citizens.

The duration of the performances should be no less than 40 minutes and no more than 90 minutes. Selected productions will be staged either at the Rialto Theatre or as part of its summer activities.

Selection criteria include artistic merit, authenticity, the ability to communicate the creative process, and the presentation of the complete work. The integration of different art fields and the use of technology will also be considered.

Selected productions will receive financial support, theatre and infrastructure access, and promotional opportunities.

Proposals are accepted until January 14, 2024. Selected applicants will be notified by February 16, 2024, and the productions can be realized from May to December 2024.

Interested parties can obtain the application form from www.rialto.com.cy. Applications are open to individuals, organizations, collaborations, and entities.
