Bicommunal Solar Park Feasibility Study to Be Completed in January

Bicommunal Solar Park Feasibility Study to Be Completed in January

The First Bicommunal Solar Park in the Island

In January 2024, the preliminary feasibility study is expected to be completed for the creation of the first bicommunal solar park with a capacity of 30 to 50 megawatts (MW). Mario Nava, the European Commission's Director-General for Structural Reform Support, mentioned in an interview with OffsiteNews that although the location for the solar park has not yet been decided, there are candidate sites in the buffer zone, such as the village of Pyla.

The 2022 Revelation

In August 2022, Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, referenced the Commission's idea for the solar park in an interview with the Cyprus News Agency, emphasizing that it could "contribute to the energy needs of both communities."

Specifically, Ms. von der Leyen stated, "We have prepared the groundwork for the development of a preliminary feasibility study for the creation of a bicommunal solar energy facility, compatible with the specifications of the electricity networks. This installation could contribute to the energy needs of both communities, increasing the share of renewable energy sources in the energy mix, in line with the European Green Deal."

The Study and Potential Locations

An independent European company is currently conducting the preliminary feasibility study, examining potential locations, technologies, costs, technical requirements, and all necessary aspects for the creation of the bicommunal solar park.

In his interview with OffsiteNews, Mario Nava did not rule out the possibility of establishing the bicommunal solar park in the area of Pyla, reminding that the "Pyla Agreement" includes, among other things, the creation of four photovoltaic parks.

At the same time, Mr. Nava dismissed the possibility of the solar park being located at the old Nicosia airport area, stating that it is a full area.

Conclusively, Mr. Nava noted that the study is expected to be completed in January, and depending on its results, the next steps will be determined.

Legislation Vote for the International Solar Alliance

Meanwhile, on Thursday (9/11), the Plenary of the House will be called to vote on the bill "The Framework Agreement for the Establishment of the International Solar Alliance (Ratification) Law of 2023."

According to the report, the Committee on Foreign and European Affairs studied the bill over two sessions in October, with representatives from the Ministry of Energy, the Energy Service, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Legal Service present.

The proposed law's purpose is to ratify the Framework Agreement for the Establishment of the International Solar Alliance under Article 169.2 of the Constitution.

As the representative of the Ministry of Energy, Commerce, and Industry pointed out, the aim of ratifying this agreement is to accede the Republic of Cyprus as a member of the international organization. He highlighted that the International Solar Alliance's primary priority is to promote the exploitation of solar energy through collective action to address common challenges and develop competitive programs in the solar energy sector.

After considering all that was presented to it, the Committee on Foreign and European Affairs reserved its position on the provisions of the bill for discussion during the plenary session.
