Cyprus Government and Business Leaders Discuss Economic Growth and Competitiveness

Cyprus Government and Business Leaders Discuss Economic Growth and Competitiveness

Key Topics Included Human Resources, Energy Costs, Connectivity, Tax Reforms, and Export Growth

Human resources, energy costs, Cyprus's connectivity, tax reforms, and boosting export-oriented activities were the main topics at a roundtable discussion between the Government and the business community, chaired by President Nikos Christodoulides on Thursday evening at the Presidential Palace.

According to a statement from the Presidency, the event is part of the Government's policy of continuous dialogue with business leaders, aiming to improve the business climate and enhance the competitiveness and outward orientation of the Cypriot economy.

The discussion included the participation of 11 Ministers and Deputy Ministers, along with other officials and civil servants. Representing the business community were 50 entrepreneurs and representatives from the Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCCI), the Employers and Industrialists Federation (OEB), the Confederation of Professional Craftsmen and Shopkeepers (POVEK), and the Association of Cyprus Banks.

In his opening remarks, President Christodoulides noted that the goal of the meeting was to explore ways to further support the business community. He emphasized that the Government alone cannot achieve optimal results, making cooperation between the public and private sectors essential.

With this event, he said, a formal dialogue with the business community is being inaugurated, aiming to leverage the experience and expertise of the country's productive forces and ensure the Government's prompt response to the actual needs of businesses.

During the discussion, the challenges faced by the business community were addressed, and suggestions for measures and reforms to tackle these issues were discussed. Specifically, the discussion focused on human resources, energy costs, Cyprus's connectivity, tax transformation, and enhancing export orientation. Views were also exchanged on strategies to strengthen sectors that add significant value to the economy, the statement concluded.

"A Stable and Healthy Fiscal Environment"

At the start of the Round Table Discussion with members of the Cypriot business community, President Christodoulides summarized the Government's goal as achieving a stable and healthy fiscal environment in the country.

"We acknowledge you as our 'closest partners'," the President told the participants, adding that the Cypriot business community has been a key player "in the development of the economy over time, and also in the implementation of 'Vision 2035', which aims to make our country one of the best places in the world to live, work, and be active."

Referring to the long-term approach to the economy, President Christodoulides expressed the belief that "the vision must be implemented consistently; we must not change our economic vision with every change of Government, as this would indicate a lack of seriousness."

"The challenges you face, which we know very well, are also our challenges, and we must work together to address them," he emphasized, mentioning geopolitical instability, the situation in Ukraine, the Middle East, energy costs, and connectivity challenges. He noted that a strong economy allows the Government to implement a targeted social policy as part of its duty to its citizens.

"Today we are inaugurating an institutionalized dialogue; this is our first meeting that will become a regular institution. We will decide at the end of the day how frequently these meetings will take place, so we can proceed to achieve our common goals," the President pointed out.

The common goals, as he stated, "are achieving a stable and healthy fiscal environment in our country, providing you with the necessary resources to face global market challenges, enhancing our country's competitiveness, and advancing our economy."
