EAC Announces Land Lease Tender

EAC Announces Land Lease Tender

A Guide to Participating in the Renewable Energy Land Lease Program

The Electricity Authority of Cyprus (EAC) has announced a competition for the long-term leasing of land for the development of Renewable Energy Source (RES) projects. As stated in its announcement, the Authority is seeking proposals from interested landowners for offers of Long-term Land Lease, noting that the proposed land parcels must be at least 30,000 square meters in total area.

The EAC mentions that interested parties can submit their offers at any time until the deadline for submission, which is June 1, 2024. Proposals are evaluated on an ongoing basis. It is noted that all participation prerequisites, requirements, technical specifications, and the assignment criteria are defined in the competition documents.

Offers can be submitted by individuals, legal entities, Municipalities, or Communities. In cases of multiple owners, it is clarified that the offer must be submitted through a Proxy Representative as described in the competition documents.

Terms & Conditions

The offered plot must be at least 30,000 square meters (30 decares, 3 hectares, 23 scales) in total area. The EAC reserves the right to accept offered plots with slight deviations in the total requested area, says the EAC.

It is also noted that it is possible to submit more than one plot, provided that their total area meets the minimum required area (30,000 square meters), given that the plots are contiguous and meet all other terms of the competition.

Moreover, the Authority states that it is possible to submit an offer for neighboring plots with separate owners, provided that the offer is submitted through a Proxy Representative as described in the competition documents.

The EAC emphasizes that the offered plot must be suitable for the development of electricity generation projects from Photovoltaic Systems. This means that the plot should be approximately flat, as square as possible, without significant shading, close to EAC's medium voltage network with connection capability, and containing minimal or no trees or other installations.

Additionally, the offered plot must abut a registered road network or have legal access. It is possible to defer the signing of the Agreement for a period of up to six months, during which the owner of the plot must ensure legal access to the plot at their own expense and effort.

Furthermore, the offered plot must not fall within any protected area or zone (e.g., Natura, etc.), within a residential zone or/and any other exclusion zones arising from the relevant legislation in force. It is clarified that the potential development of RES projects will be examined on a case-by-case basis by the urban planning authority, during the evaluation stage of the application for a town planning permit.

Finally, the offered plot must not be subject to any burdens or commitments at the time of signing the Land Lease Agreement, or explicit written consent of the organization or entity in whose favor the burden or commitment exists must be submitted.
