Emergency Session To Be Held On Vasiliko Terminal Issues

Emergency Session To Be Held On Vasiliko Terminal Issues

Parliamentary Committee To Discuss Project Delays, European Public Prosecutor's Investigation And Government Accountability

An extraordinary session has been convened for tomorrow, July 30th, by the Parliamentary Committee on Energy following the recent events with the terminal in Vasiliko and the investigation by the European Public Prosecutor's Office.

According to a statement from DISY, during the session they expect "convincing answers, particularly regarding the recovery of the ship, the planning for the completion of the remaining infrastructure, the reasons for the concealment of the investigation by the European Public Prosecutor's Office, and the contradictory statements of recent months."

The DISY Statement In Full

"In the case of the terminal in Vasiliko, from the very beginning, the Democratic Rally has called for a thorough investigation into everything, the revelation of any mistakes or ulterior motives, and accountability where it is due.

Tomorrow, we expect convincing answers from the relevant Parliamentary Committee, especially regarding the recovery of the ship, the planning for the completion of the remaining infrastructure, the reasons for concealing the investigation from the European Public Prosecutor's Office, and the contradictory statements of recent months.

We also expect the government to handle the situation appropriately, to adequately respond to the European Commission's letter, and to make every effort to demonstrate that the project will be completed and that the grant does not need to be returned."
