Historic Hotels of Cyprus Label Introduced by Tourism Ministry

Historic Hotels of Cyprus Label Introduced by Tourism Ministry

Historic Hotels Represent a Unique Category of Accommodations With Significant Architectural and Historical Value

The Ministry of Tourism has introduced the "Historic Hotels of Cyprus" label, aimed at establishing the essential characteristics a hotel or tourist accommodation must possess to be designated as a "Historic Hotel."

The Ministry of Tourism seeks to enhance Cyprus's image as a tourist destination and specifically to further promote and enrich its tourism product through the introduction of this label.

This initiative also aims to preserve the island's historical heritage, highlight the historical development of the hotel industry, and contribute to the economy, architectural heritage, and social well-being.

According to the announcement, eligibility for the "Historic Hotels of Cyprus" program extends to individuals or legal entities managing hotels or tourist accommodations that have a valid license and classification from the Ministry of Tourism or are covered under Article 18 of the "Regulation of the Establishment and Operation of Hotels and Tourist Accommodations Law."

Historic hotels represent a unique category of accommodations with significant architectural and historical value. They are characterized by the age of their buildings, their architecture, and their connection to specific historical events. These hotels operate within buildings featuring architectural elements that reflect the design and trends of their era.

These establishments offer guests a glimpse into the past while providing modern amenities. The preservation of historic hotels serves not only tourism but also the conservation of the area's historical and architectural heritage.

The primary part of the hotel building or a significant portion of it must be at least fifty (50) years old, and its architecture should be representative of the period when it was initially constructed. Alternatively, the hotel must be able to present its history electronically or in a designated area.

The hotel will display objects of historical significance, such as furniture, decorations, artworks, heirlooms, audiovisual material, etc.

A special section of the menu or a separate menu in the hotel should offer historically significant dishes and beverages (e.g., brandy sour, zivania, Commandaria, other Cypriot wines, colocasia, afelia, koupepia, sheftalies, halloumi).

Anyone who secures the "Historic Hotels of Cyprus" label for a specific hotel or tourist accommodation commits to continuing to meet all requirements throughout the three-year validity period of the label.
