INSTANT: Recruit, Train, Support

INSTANT: Recruit, Train, Support

The One-Stop Platform for the Hospitality Industry in Cyprus

With its crystal-clear beaches and abundant historical landmarks, Cyprus has long been a go-to destination for tourists. Despite its popularity, the country’s hospitality sector faces a significant challenge: labor shortages. This is where INSTANT comes into play.

A brainchild of Prountzos & Prountzos LLC and the Research and Innovation Foundation, INSTANT (INtelligent platform for providing STaffing ANd Training in the Hotel Industry) is set to redefine the employment landscape in Cyprus' tourism sector. Supported by a consortium of ten varied partners—such as Digital Tree and Tabs and Spaces—and funded with over €800,000, this platform aims to address not just the labor deficit but also to elevate the economic competitiveness of Cyprus.

Addressing a Timely Challenge

The situation is peculiar—labor shortages exist despite high unemployment rates, a paradox exacerbated by the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic. INSTANT’s introduction is therefore timely, offering a comprehensive answer to this perplexing challenge. The platform aims to do more than just bridge the gap between job seekers and employers; it seeks to elevate the entire hospitality industry in Cyprus by efficiently recruiting and proficiently training potential employees.

Not Just a Job Board

Unlike conventional platforms, INSTANT serves as an all-in-one solution. For job seekers, this means a user-friendly interface with filters like Category, Job Title, and City, alongside an integrated learning space to enhance skill sets. Accommodation information and other essential services, such as Employment Contracts, Immigration, and Car Insurance, also form part of this unique platform.

For employers, INSTANT provides a specialized platform to post job vacancies and, crucially, a learning space to upskill their teams, thereby reducing onboarding time and costs.

The simplicity of INSTANT extends to its registration process. Whether you are a job seeker, an employer, or a service provider, setting up an account is straightforward. Once registered, you can post or apply for jobs, avail services, and track your applications or job postings efficiently.

The Bigger Picture

INSTANT is not just another job search platform; it's an ecosystem designed to support and sustain the vital tourism sector in Cyprus. By combining cutting-edge technology with the nitty-gritty of human resource requirements, INSTANT is poised to become a linchpin in resolving labor issues, enhancing skills, and ultimately contributing to a more competitive and sustainable hospitality industry.

Don't just take our word for it—watch the video below to grasp the full scope and potential of INSTANT.
