Outsell Presents B2B Growth: Round Table & Experience Share

Outsell Presents B2B Growth: Round Table & Experience Share

Unlocking Commercial Growth Through Collaboration and Experience Sharing

Outsell is excited to invite Founders to join a dynamic round table and experience sharing event focused on B2B growth strategies. Titled "B2B Growth: Round Table & Experience Share," the event will take place on Thursday, October 24th, from 6:00 to 7:30 PM EEST at Zest, 13 Vasilissis Freiderikis, in the heart of Nicosia.

What to Expect:

This in-person event is an informal yet highly engaging gathering of B2B founders and growth leaders. Participants will have the chance to network, share insights, and explore the challenges and opportunities within the B2B growth landscape. The session will be led by Henry Walton, founder of two successful B2B agencies with over a decade of experience in scaling and managing businesses.

Key highlights include:

  • Warm introductions, drinks, and networking

  • Opening remarks from Henry Walton on the purpose of the round table sessions

  • Group discussions on key growth challenges, including lead generation, recruitment, culture, and strategy

  • Sharing of successful strategies and tactics currently driving growth in the B2B sector

  • A look at the role of technology, such as AI and process automation, in unlocking growth potential

  • Open conversation on future topics and goals for the group

Why Attend:

If you’re a B2B founder looking to expand locally or break into new markets, this event is designed to help you achieve those goals. With a collaborative format focused on mutual value, you’ll leave with actionable insights, new connections, and fresh ideas to fuel your business growth.

About Henry Walton:

With over 10 years of experience, Henry Walton is known for his ability to scale B2B businesses rapidly. His last agency grew from 20 to 150 people in just 18 months, and his current focus is on helping B2B founders and sales teams optimize their performance at every stage of the sales funnel. Now based in Nicosia with his family, Henry brings a wealth of expertise and a fresh perspective to the Cypriot business landscape.

FastForward and The Digital Tree Group are our proud media sponsors of this event.

RSVP Now: This event is free to attend, but spaces are limited. Register today to secure your spot and be part of this exciting conversation on B2B growth.

For more information or to register, visit here
