Cyprus Hosts the European Info Systems Conference

Cyprus Hosts the European Info Systems Conference

The 32nd ECIS, “People First: Building the Digital Future Together”, Is Being Held for the First Time in Cyprus.

The 32nd European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS) with the theme "People First: Building the Digital Future Together" is being held for the first time in Cyprus, specifically in Paphos, from June 13 to 19, 2024.

According to an announcement from the Cyprus University of Technology (CUT), the organizing committee of the conference includes the Cyprus University of Technology with Dr. Ariana Polyviou, Lecturer in the Department of Management, Entrepreneurship, and Digital Business at the university.

The European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS) is the premier conference of the Association of Information Systems for Europe, Africa, and the Middle East and is considered one of the most important events for academics and researchers in the field of Information Systems worldwide.

As stated, ECIS serves as a platform for knowledge exchange and the promotion of research in the field of information systems. It aims to bring together academics, researchers, and professionals from around the world to discuss the latest developments, innovations, and challenges in the field.

Participants have the opportunity to present their research findings, network, and discuss ways to improve human life and society through technology. This year's conference is expected to host more than 800 participants.

The conference includes 25 main thematic sessions covering topics such as Artificial Intelligence in Information Systems Research and Practice, the Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Organizations and Society, the Future of Work, Human-AI Collaboration, Business Analytics, Business Process Management, and Digital Innovation.

Other topics to be discussed at the conference include Knowledge and Human Behavior in Information Systems, Data Management and Sharing, Data Use in Ecosystems, Digital Service Systems, Digital Transformation, Digital Learning and Teaching, Games and the Metaverse, the Social and Ethical Implications of ICT Use, Blockchain and Financial Technology (Fintech).

Green Information Systems and Sustainable Development, Health Information Technology, Information Systems for Healthcare, Human-Computer Interaction, Innovation, Adoption and Diffusion of Information Systems, Strategy, Governance, and Procurement of Information Systems in the Digital Age, Innovative Research Methods, Design Research and Methods in Information Systems, Social Media and Virtual Worlds, and Digital Work will also be discussed.

In addition to the main thematic sessions of the conference, 17 parallel events and workshops will be organized.

"Hosting a significant conference like the 32nd European Conference on Information Systems, Cyprus enhances its profile as a center of academic and research activity, highlighting its importance in the field of Information Systems and Technology,"

At the same time, it adds, it contributes to the promotion of education and research in Cyprus, attracting students and academics from around the world, and providing opportunities for international networking and the expansion of international collaborations in research and innovation.

As part of the conference and its goal for a more sustainable future, a tree planting event will be held to create a green space, in collaboration with the Municipality of Paphos, the announcement concludes.
