Casts of an Island Finissage Brunch: Exness and PSI Foundation celebrate the arts in Cyprus
The PSI Foundation is sponsored by Exness.
The PSI Foundation hosted the Finissage Brunch of Casts of an Island, bringing together prominent figures from the arts and business communities. Among the attendees were the famous Cypriot singer Alexia Vasiliou, Nicos Pattichis, the curator of the exhibition, Danilla Parniouk, PSI Foundation’s Art Director, and Petr Valov, Exness co-founder and CEO.
The Casts of an Island exhibition, held at the historic carob warehouse that is now home to PSI Foundation, showcased the work of more than 40 Cypriot artists and offered reflections on the island’s history and identity. Over the past year, the exhibition has attracted thousands of visitors, underscoring its resonance with local and international audiences. The Finissage Brunch celebrated this achievement while fostering dialogue about the role of art in Cyprus’s cultural landscape.
Petr Valov, Exness CEO, remarked, “Art should transform people’s lives. This exhibition provided me with a deeper appreciation of Cyprus, its people, and key events in the island’s history. The exhibition has set the bar very high, making it a challenge to surpass in the future.”
The PSI Foundation remains committed to developing initiatives connecting contemporary art, technology, and cultural heritage. Through its exhibitions and initiatives, it aims to create accessible cultural experiences that resonate with Cyprus' diverse audiences.