Cyprus Holds the Title for Lowest Median Age in the EU

Cyprus Holds the Title for Lowest Median Age in the EU

Eurostat Reports a Notable Increase in Median Age Across Europe

In 2023, the median age of Cyprus' population increased by 2.2 years compared to 2013, from 36.2 to 38.4 years. During the same period, the European Union experienced an overall increase of 2.3 years, from 42.2 to 44.5 years, according to data on population structure and aging published by Eurostat.

Cyprus remains the EU member state with the lowest median age among the 27 countries. These figures indicate that half of Cyprus's population was older than 38.4 years, and the other half was younger than 38.4 years.

As of January 1, 2023, the median age among EU member states ranged from 38.4 years in Cyprus to 48.4 years in Italy.

Between 2013 and 2023, the median age increased in all member states except for Malta and Sweden, where it decreased by 0.4 and 0.1 years, respectively, and Germany, where the median age remained unchanged.

Meanwhile, on January 1, 2023, the EU's old-age dependency ratio, which is the proportion of elderly people (aged 65 and over) relative to those of working age (15-64 years), was at 33.4%. This marked an increase of 5.7 percentage points from January 1, 2013, when it was 27.7%.

The highest ratios were recorded in Portugal (38.0%), Italy, and Finland (both 37.8%). The lowest ratios were in Luxembourg (21.5%), Ireland (23.2%), and Cyprus (24.7%).

Compared to 2013, the largest increases in dependency ratios were observed in Poland (+10.4 percentage points), Bulgaria (+9.2 percentage points), and Croatia (+9.0 percentage points). The smallest increases were in Luxembourg (+1.3 percentage points), Malta (+2.0 percentage points), and Austria (+2.8 percentage points).
