Migration, Living Costs, and Security Top Concerns for Cypriots

Migration, Living Costs, and Security Top Concerns for Cypriots

When Asked About Their Views on the Future of the EU, 59% of Cypriots Were Optimistic

According to a recent Eurobarometer survey on the challenges and priorities of the European Union, the main concerns for Cypriots are irregular migration, the cost of living, and terrorism and security. At the EU level, the top challenges identified were the war in Ukraine, migration, and climate change.

Specifically, among Cypriots, the most frequently selected challenges were irregular migration (64% compared to 41% in the EU), the cost of living (48% compared to 32%), terrorism and security (35% compared to 29%), and both the war in Ukraine (28%, compared to 50% in the EU) and environmental and climate change issues (28%, compared to 35% in the EU).

Regarding the areas that the EU should prioritize, Cypriots most frequently cited irregular migration (50% compared to 33% in the EU), followed by security and defense (32% compared to 29%) and environmental and climate change issues (30% compared to 33%).

The Special Eurobarometer 550 was conducted between June 25 and July 2, 2024, across all 27 member states, with a sample of 25,658 online interviews in the EU and 506 in Cyprus.

General Optimism, Less So About Security

When asked about their views on the future of the EU, 59% of Cypriots were optimistic (8% very optimistic, 51% somewhat optimistic), while 37% were pessimistic (29% somewhat, 8% very pessimistic). In comparison, the EU average showed 58% of Europeans were optimistic (11% very, 47% somewhat), and 37% were pessimistic (28% somewhat, 9% very).

However, 73% of Cypriots (64% in the EU) expressed concern about the EU’s security over the next five years (21% very concerned and 52% somewhat concerned in Cyprus, and 17% very concerned and 47% somewhat concerned in the EU).

Regarding the EU's economy over the next five years, Cypriots were somewhat more pessimistic than the EU average. 36% of Cypriots were optimistic about the economy (4% very optimistic, 32% somewhat), compared to 50% in the EU (8% very, 42% somewhat). 51% of Cypriots were pessimistic (45% somewhat, 16% very), compared to 45% in the EU (32% somewhat, 13% very).

Concerning democracy, Cypriots' optimism was in line with the EU average. 53% of Cypriots were optimistic about democracy in the next five years (12% very optimistic, 41% somewhat), while in the EU, the corresponding figure was 55% (10% very, 45% somewhat). 45% of Cypriots were pessimistic about democracy (36% somewhat, 9% very), compared to 41% in the EU (28% somewhat, 13% very).

Strengths of the EU

Regarding what they see as the EU's strengths, Cypriots most frequently cited the respect for democracy, human rights, and the rule of law (43% compared to 38% in the EU), good relations and solidarity among EU member states (31% compared to 28%), and the EU’s economic, industrial, and commercial power (29% compared to 34%).

Following were the quality of life for EU citizens (27% in Cyprus and 23% in the EU) and the EU’s commitment to climate and environmental protection (22% compared to 23% in the EU).

When asked about the values the EU embodies compared to other countries or regions, 50% of Cypriots said the EU upholds freedom of speech and expression better (53% in the EU), and 50% felt the same about respect for nature and climate and environmental protection (45% in the EU).
