What Percentage of Women in Cyprus Have Been Victims of Violence?

What Percentage of Women in Cyprus Have Been Victims of Violence?

This alarming figure exceeds the EU average of 30.7%.

According to a recent pan-European study, 36.1% of women in Cyprus have experienced physical violence, threats, or sexual violence during their lifetime, either from their partner or another individual. This alarming figure exceeds the EU average of 30.7%, as stated in an announcement by the NGO Support Centre.

The study was jointly conducted by the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA), the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE), and Eurostat. The report also highlights that the Council of Europe estimates one in five children in Europe falls victim to some form of sexual violence, alongside rising cases of physical abuse, neglect, bullying, domestic violence, and emotional or psychological harm.

PREVENT Program: Fighting Gender-Based Violence and Protecting Children

The NGO Support Centre announced a series of initiatives under the PREVENT program, aimed at addressing gender-based violence, workplace harassment, and femicide while providing legal recognition and support for affected individuals. Other measures focus on empowering older women and preparing children living in institutional care for independent living.

The PREVENT program, with a total budget of €2.3 million, is co-funded by the European Union through the Citizens, Equality, Rights, and Values (CERV) 2023-DAPHNE program, along with contributions from the Bodossaki Foundation in Greece and the NGO Support Centre in Cyprus.

In the coming months, 24 projects in Greece and 5 in Cyprus will receive funding of up to €60,000 each. The Bodossaki Foundation serves as the program coordinator in partnership with the NGO Support Centre.

The program aims to prevent and combat gender-based violence and child abuse by supporting civil society organizations active in these areas. It also seeks to enhance their knowledge, capabilities, and sustainability to address these pressing issues effectively.
