"Young Cities" - Youth Shaping Their Cities

"Young Cities" - Youth Shaping Their Cities

Young People From Various Municipalities and Communities Are Participating in the 4th Cycle of the Program.

This year marks the fourth cycle of the "Young Cities" program by the Youth Board of Cyprus (ONEK), in collaboration with the National Betting Authority. The program offers young people the opportunity to actively contribute to shaping their cities and communities by implementing ideas and actions that will improve the quality of life in their areas.

In the 4th cycle of the program, young people from the municipalities of Paralimni - Deryneia, Paphos, and Western Limassol, as well as from the communities of Xylofagou and Kyperounta, are participating. The participants will have the chance to work in collaboration with local authorities and their fellow citizens, designing actions that meet the real needs of their regions.

The benefits for the young people participating are numerous:

- They will have the opportunity to develop leadership and social skills, valuable assets for the rest of their lives.

- They will take part in a dynamic and creative dialogue with young people from other areas, exchanging ideas and best practices.

- They will make a substantial contribution to the development of their municipality or community, improving the quality of life for both themselves and their fellow citizens.
