Cyprus Referred to EU Court Over Natura 2000 Protection Failures

Cyprus Referred to EU Court Over Natura 2000 Protection Failures

European Commission Acts on Cyprus's Non-Compliance with Habitat Directive

The European Commission is referring Cyprus to the Court of Justice of the European Union for failing to take necessary measures to protect and manage Natura 2000 areas. Cyprus has officially designated 37 areas as Special Conservation Zones under this directive. However, necessary conservation measures for 28 of these zones are yet to be established.

Furthermore, the Commission has deemed the conservation objectives for five areas insufficient, meaning that the species and habitats in these regions are not adequately protected.

The Commission had initially sent a warning letter to Cyprus in June 2021, starting the infringement procedure. In April 2022, a reasoned opinion was sent, marking the second stage of the process, as the country had not yet complied. Despite progress in designating areas as Special Conservation Zones, Cypriot authorities have not fully addressed the Directive's violations.

The Commission considers the efforts made by Cypriot authorities to date insufficient and, as a result, is referring Cyprus to the Court of Justice of the European Union. The Habitats Directive establishes the Natura 2000 network, a pan-European network of protected natural areas consisting of Special Conservation Zones and Special Protection Areas for birds under the Birds Directive (Directive 2009/147/EC).

Each Member State is responsible for identifying and proposing sites significant for the conservation of species and habitats within their territory. These areas are then approved by the Commission as Sites of Community Importance following a prescribed process. Member States have a six-year deadline to designate these areas as Special Conservation Zones and to establish necessary site-specific conservation objectives and measures for the preservation or restoration of species and habitats.

The Commission has initiated infringement procedures against 16 Member States regarding the designation of Special Conservation Zones and the establishment of conservation objectives and measures.
