Cyprus Tourism Rebounds in February 2024

Cyprus Tourism Rebounds in February 2024

Surge in Arrivals and Cypriots' Travels Abroad

Tourist arrivals in February 2024 experienced a recovery, showing a 5% increase compared to February last year, despite a slight decrease in arrivals (2,588 fewer) in the first month of the current year.

This uptick resulted in a 1.6% increase in tourist arrivals for the first two months of 2024 compared to the same period in 2023, a year that recorded a historic high in arrivals.

At the same time, there was an almost 12% annual increase in travels by Cypriot residents abroad in February 2024.

Specifically, according to the Statistical Service, tourist arrivals in February 2024 totaled 125,034, compared to 119,081 in February 2023, marking a 5.0% increase.

For the January-February 2024 period, tourist arrivals reached 212,995, compared to 209,630 for the same period in 2023, indicating a 1.6% increase.

The Statistical Service reported that arrivals from the United Kingdom were the main source of tourism in February 2024, accounting for 24.6% (30,774) of total arrivals for the month, followed by Poland with 13.3% (16,591), Israel with 10.6% (13,290), and Greece with 10.3% (12,835).

The purpose of travel in February 2024 was primarily for holidays (66.8% of visitors), visiting friends or relatives (17.8%), and business (14.2%).

Similarly, in February 2023, 66.7% visited Cyprus for holidays, 20.1% to visit friends or relatives, and 13.0% for business reasons.

Cypriot Residents' Return Travels

According to the Statistical Service, travels by Cypriot residents abroad in February 2024 reached 114,110, compared to 102,001 in February 2023, marking an 11.9% increase.

The main countries Cypriot residents returned from in February 2024 were Greece (32.0% or 36,481), the United Kingdom (11.6% or 13,288), and Italy (4.6% or 5,306).

The primary purpose for Cypriot residents’ travels in February 2024 was for holidays (70.6%), while business accounted for 23.4%, studies 4.6%, and other reasons 1.4%.
