UClan Cyprus And The British Council In Cyprus Successfully Offered The 2024 Series Of Skills Trainings Open To All Students With An Award Ceremony And A UK Alumni Networking Event

UClan Cyprus And The British Council In Cyprus Successfully Offered The 2024 Series Of Skills Trainings Open To All Students With An Award Ceremony And A UK Alumni Networking Event

During the months of February and March 2024, the University of Central Lancashire in Cyprus, UCLan Cyprus, together with the British Council in Cyprus, delivered a series of skills training workshops at the UCLan Cyprus campus. All workshops were delivered by well-qualified alumni of UK universities, including of UCLan UK and UCLan Cyprus, with expertise in the respective fields.

This was open to all local university students. The programme provided valuable guidance, advice, and networking opportunities for students, impacting on their academic and career paths enhancement. Certificates of participation were issued for each workshop attended and were received on 29 th March 2024 at an award ceremony and UK alumni networking reception organised at the UCLan Cyprus campus, where the Rector of UCLan Cyprus, Prof. Irene Polycarpou, the Head of the School of Law, Prof. Stephanie Laulhe Shaelou, the Director of the British Council in Cyprus, Ms. Anastasia Andritsou, the Deputy British High Commissioner to Cyprus, Mr. Ben Rawlings, and the Education Manager of the British Council in Cyprus, Ms. Pantelitsa Michael, offered their welcomes to all present, including the UK alumni community, and awarded the certificates to participants.

UCLan Cyprus would like to thank the above trainers as well as all involved in the organisation of the programme, and congratulate once more all participants awarded!

For more information on the programme, please contact [email protected].
