New Fake Story Circulating About Zelensky Buying a Casino in Occupied Kyrenia

New Fake Story Circulating About Zelensky Buying a Casino in Occupied Kyrenia

The Relevant Services of the Republic of Cyprus Have Investigated the Matter

Under the headline "Zelensky Gambles Away," the turkish website OdaTV claims that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has purchased one of the largest casino hotels in Europe, located in occupied Kyrenia.

The article states that while Western countries send money, weapons, and ammunition to Ukraine, Zelensky has entered the casino business instead of managing the war.

The article mentions it is unclear how much money Zelensky's company paid for the casino hotel. Online records accessible via Google list the asking price for the Vuni Palace at 150 million British pounds.

It is also reported that the casino in the hotel was built in 2006.

No Evidence of Casino Purchase in Occupied Territory

President Nicos Christodoulides, in a statement today, Tuesday, essentially refuted the related reports.

Asked to comment on the information alleging that the President of Ukraine owns a casino in the occupied territories, the President of the Republic said, "So far, the relevant services of the Republic of Cyprus have investigated the matter. I repeat, so far, there is no such evidence. When the investigation is completed, in cooperation with other countries and other services, we will be able to say more. But at this moment, I can tell you, up until five minutes before I came here, I have been informed that there is no such evidence. We will see as things progress."
