Larnaca Forms Ad Hoc Committee For Port And Marina Development

Larnaca Forms Ad Hoc Committee For Port And Marina Development

Collaborative Effort With Ministry Of Transport To Oversee And Advance Major Urban Project

The Ad Hoc Committee of the Municipality of Larnaca has been established, which, along with the Ad Hoc Committee of the Ministry of Transport, will monitor and actively participate in the processes for the unified development project of the city's port and marina.

According to an announcement by the Municipality, "following recent developments regarding the unified development project of Larnaca's port and marina, the Plenary of the City and District Development Committee of Larnaca convened on Friday, June 21, upon the invitation of Mayor Andreas Vyras."

It is reminded that "during the meeting of the Committee held on May 31 in the presence of the Minister of Transport, Communications, and Works, Alexis Vafeades, it was decided after the recent elections to create an Ad Hoc Monitoring Committee on the matter from the Municipality of Larnaca, which would consist of members of the Development Committee."

Following a unanimous decision of the Development Committee members, "the Ad Hoc Committee was formed, headed by the Mayor of Larnaca, with all Larnaca MPs, the President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KEVE), Stavros Stavrou, and the President of the Larnaca Chamber of Commerce and Industry (EBEL), Nakis Antoniou, as members. The Ad Hoc Committee will join the Ministry of Transport's Ad Hoc Committee as part of the Monitoring Committee and will actively participate in the subsequent processes."

The Municipality of Larnaca "continues to be in constant communication with all involved parties and the responsible Minister to find solutions to the challenges that have arisen. The development of the Larnaca port and marina is undoubtedly a significant project for the city, and maximum efforts must be made by all sides for its prompt implementation," the announcement concludes.
