Cyprus Hits 77.1% VHCN Coverage In 2023

Cyprus Hits 77.1% VHCN Coverage In 2023

Major Gains In Gigabit Connectivity And ICT Specialists, Exceeding Eu Digital Goals

The coverage of very high-capacity networks (VHCN) in Cyprus reached 77.1% in 2023, marking a 28.5% increase compared to the previous year. This information comes from a statement by the Deputy Ministry of Research, Innovation, and Digital Policy, which relates to the results of the European Commission's Annual Report assessing the digital maturity of member states and the progress towards the goals of Europe's Digital Decade.

The report highlights significant progress for Cyprus. "Our country is on a steady upward trajectory across several indicators, with the highest increase noted in the development of Gigabit connectivity infrastructure and the percentage of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) specialists in the labor market," it states.

Additionally, the report mentions that Cyprus is expected to achieve 100% VHCN coverage by the end of 2025, through government subsidies for network expansion in areas lacking private investment interest. Notably, Cyprus has already achieved 100% coverage of 5G mobile networks, reaching the European target for 2030 seven years ahead of schedule.

Encouraging results were also noted regarding the increase in the percentage of ICT specialists, which has surpassed the European average of 4.8%, now standing at 5.4%. This is a vital area for accelerating digital transformation and adopting advanced technologies crucial for developing innovative solutions to socio-economic and environmental challenges.

"However, a significant challenge remains the upgrading of digital skills among the general population and the further development of electronic health services," the statement points out.

In terms of the digitization of government services, a key governmental priority, Cyprus shows a 16.3% improvement, far exceeding the European average growth rate of 3.1%. More and more digital services are being offered to both citizens and businesses.

Despite most Cypriot SMEs achieving satisfactory digital maturity levels, the adoption rates of advanced technologies like artificial intelligence remain relatively low. Nevertheless, the results are promising regarding the use of cloud services by businesses, with Cyprus ranking above the European average (38.9%) at 45.5%.

Regarding the results, the Deputy Minister of Research, Innovation, and Digital Policy, Dr. Nikodimos Damianou, expressed his satisfaction with the steady growth of the country's digital ecosystem and its progress in the right direction.

The Deputy Minister also stated, among other things, that "the Government remains committed to the goal of digital transition and the implementation of digital solutions with a direct impact on the daily lives of Cypriot citizens. We will proceed with a thorough analysis of the individual indicators, adjusting our actions seriously and comprehensively to ensure they respond to the data, needs, goals, and challenges we face."
