The Synergy of Success: Hess Adnani on Unity Growth and Women's Empowerment

The Synergy of Success: Hess Adnani on Unity Growth and Women's Empowerment

An Interview with Unity Growth's Co-Founder

The Women in Business and Beyond Annual Conference, scheduled for July 13th at the Carob Mill in Limassol, promises a day of inspiration, networking, and empowerment for women entrepreneurs. From 9 AM to 6 PM, attendees will experience insightful discussions, interactive workshops, and exceptional networking opportunities. FastForward had the opportunity to interview Hess Adnani, co-founder of Unity Growth, the organization behind the conference.

In our conversation, Hess shared the origin story of Unity Growth, his entrepreneurial journey, and the motivation behind organizing the conference. He discussed the importance of persistence, learning from mistakes, and the role of mentorship in empowering female leaders. Additionally, Hess highlighted the significance of providing a dedicated space for women-led businesses and artists, fostering an inclusive environment that celebrates and supports the diverse talents of women.

Hess Adnani

Hess, it's great you have you on FastForward. Can you share the origin story of Unity Growth and what inspired you to co-found this organization?

Unity Growth began two years ago when I met my partners, Dr Andreas Mathikolonis and Tom Borgerding. We were all busy entrepreneurs with various businesses and projects. When we met, there was an instant synergy, and we decided to unite our efforts under one umbrella: Unity Growth. Our goal was to help the ecosystem in Cyprus grow through events, workshops, and programs that reflect our personal values. I met Tom at Kataklysmos Festival, a cultural event in Larnaca, and we instantly connected. With Andreas, we met at a business party, over couple of slices of pizza! Together, we launched Unity Growth to support and inspire the local business community with our combined expertise and passion.

As entrepreneurs, what lessons have you learned from your previous ventures that you’ve applied to Unity Growth?

One key lesson from previous ventures is that everyone starts somewhere, and initial stages are often filled with mistakes and failures. Entrepreneurship isn't typically taught in schools, so learning through trial and error is essential. Persistence is the key to overcoming these challenges.

Persistence is the key to overcoming challenges; at Unity Growth, we emphasize learning from mistakes and not giving up

At Unity Growth, we emphasize the importance of not giving up and learning from mistakes. We provide systematic approaches to help entrepreneurs grow quickly out of the early stages of their businesses. By sharing our experience, we aim to help others make fewer mistakes and maintain their persistence, ensuring they continue their entrepreneurial journey.

What motivated you to organize the 'Women in Business and Beyond' Annual Conference?

Through communication with our community, we identified a significant gap: many women were seeking inspiration, motivation, and practical solutions to start their businesses. Recognizing the rising number of women entrepreneurs, we felt compelled to support and empower this initiative. Our previous women-focused events received positive feedback, indicating strong community interest and a clear need for a larger platform.

This inspired us to create the Women in Business and Beyond Conference. We envisioned a space for women to share experiences, gain insights, and find encouragement to pursue their entrepreneurial dreams. The "Beyond" aspect conference embraces and applauds the incredible work of women in fashion, art, and sports, fostering a holistic environment for growth and inspiration. By highlighting these areas, we celebrate the diverse talents and achievements of women, encouraging a broader understanding of success. This inclusive approach not only empowers women in business but also recognizes and values their contributions across various creative and athletic fields, fostering a holistic environment for growth and inspiration.

This year marks our first large-scale conference in Cyprus, aiming to inspire and motivate women. We plan to expand to over 500 attendees next year, attracting more women from the region for an empowering experience. Our ultimate goal is to foster a culture of inclusivity and empowerment, ensuring every woman has the opportunity to thrive in the business world and beyond.

Can you elaborate on the importance of having a dedicated space for women-led businesses and artists at the conference?

In planning the conference, we aimed to support female-owned businesses by providing them with free space to promote their ventures. This approach allows us to give back to the ecosystem, offering exposure and a platform for women entrepreneurs to showcase their services. We are dedicating an exhibition area where women can connect, create partnerships, and build networks. Additionally, we have special sections for arts and fashion by female artists, and a Mental Fitness Corner where attendees can have mini sessions with certified professionals.

Having a dedicated space for women-led businesses and artists highlights diversity and creativity, empowering women and fostering an inclusive environment

Having a dedicated space for women-led businesses and artists is crucial because it highlights the diversity and creativity within the community, fostering an inclusive environment. It empowers women by recognizing their contributions across various fields, thereby encouraging more women to step into leadership roles. This visibility helps break down barriers and challenges stereotypes, creating a ripple effect of inspiration and motivation.

Furthermore, integrating arts, fashion, and wellness celebrates women's multifaceted talents and promotes a balanced experience for all attendees. This initiative not only supports individual growth but also strengthens the broader community by fostering collaboration, innovation, and mutual support.

Can you discuss the role of mentorship in empowering female leaders and entrepreneurs?

Mentorship plays a crucial role in entrepreneurship by offering a shortcut to success and minimizing mistakes. A mentor who has navigated similar challenges can provide invaluable advice, share their experiences, and guide you through obstacles. Having a mentor is essential for personal and professional growth as they offer perspectives that can challenge your thinking and help you see new opportunities. A mentor inspires, motivates, and serves as an accountability partner throughout your journey. The right mentor can help you refine your strategies, stay focused on your goals, and build the confidence needed to tackle challenges head-on.

At Unity Growth, we emphasize finding experienced mentors who have achieved what you aspire to. Their insights can help you overcome challenges more efficiently, ensuring that you stay on track and continue progressing towards your goals. Unity Growth offers a mentorship and coaching program. This program provides guidance on strategic planning, personal branding, and leadership skills, enhancing confidence and decision-making abilities, and expanding access to resources and support. It also connects aspiring female leaders with seasoned professionals. Through mentorship, we aim to cultivate a new generation of empowered, resilient, and visionary female leaders.

How can the Cypriot business community better support local entrepreneurs, especially women?

The Cypriot business community can support local entrepreneurs by providing platforms for them to voice their challenges and needs. Listening to these challenges is the first step in developing effective solutions, advice, educational content, programs, and events. The community should operate with genuine values and a clear aim to support, avoiding hidden agendas. Addressing different sections and challenges faced by women in the ecosystem requires bi-directional communication. Organizations should seek feedback from the community and use it to create more relevant support, ensuring entrepreneurs feel heard and supported.

The Cypriot business community can better support local entrepreneurs by providing platforms to voice challenges and needs, ensuring entrepreneurs feel heard and supported

Additionally, women-focused organizations should champion initiatives that empower female entrepreneurs. By advocating for and participating in such initiatives, these organizations can create a network of support crucial for the growth and success of women-led businesses. It is also essential for businesses in Cyprus that typically sponsor events in the fintech and real estate sectors to diversify their sponsorships. Supporting events focused on women in business, like our conference, can significantly impact the visibility and resources available to female entrepreneurs.

Through these combined efforts, we aim to cultivate a more inclusive and supportive environment for women in business, ultimately fostering a culture of empowerment and success.

Hess Adnani

What: Women in Business and Beyond Annual Conference

More Info

Who: Hess Adnani is a high-energy and self-motivated serial entrepreneur, community builder, marketer, and tech developer with a track record of founding, running, and scaling communities, startups, and businesses. In addition to being a co-founder at Unity Growth, Hess is also the Country Expert (CY) at the European Commission’s Youth Entrepreneurship Policy Academy (YEPA), the Country Director for Startup Grind Cyprus, and the founding member and VP of JCI Larnaka. He had a successful exit from his digital and media production agency back in 2023 called Sorxmedia Inc. in the United States. Hess has been active for 11 years in entrepreneurship, tech, cryptocurrency and blockchain, e-commerce, and peace-building activities. He specializes in growth strategies for products and services. He actively constructs innovative marketing and DTC online advertising strategies and funnels. Community building is his passion, and Hess has a solid drive to unite people regardless of differences.
