Application Deadline for Circular Economy Grants for SMEs Extended

Application Deadline for Circular Economy Grants for SMEs Extended

SMEs Encouraged to Apply for €14.4 Million Circular Economy Grant Program Before the New Deadline

The application deadline for the "Circular Economy Grant Scheme for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises" has been extended to October 29, according to a statement from the Ministry of Energy, Commerce, and Industry.

The Ministry emphasized that applications and required documents must be submitted exclusively through the online Grant Scheme System at Priority will be given based on submission order, and approvals will not exceed the available budget.

In the announcement, the Ministry informs interested parties that the application period for the Circular Economy Grant Scheme will now close on October 29, 2024, at 11:59 p.m.

The total budget allocated for the scheme, which is part of Measure C3.1R4 of the Recovery and Resilience Plan, amounts to €14.4 million.

Applicants can access the Grant Scheme Guide, which includes all the necessary details, along with other required forms and documents, from the website of the Industrial and Technology Service.
