Final Phase of Anti-Corruption Authority’s Investigation into State Mafia Allegations

Final Phase of Anti-Corruption Authority’s Investigation into State Mafia Allegations

Findings Expected by Mid-April, Former President Anastasiades to Testify

The Anti-Corruption Authority’s investigation into the allegations outlined in Makarios Drousiotis’ book State Mafia is entering its final phase. According to OffsiteNews sources, the report is expected to be ready and available to the Commissioner Against Corruption by mid-April.

Based on available information, the testimony phase before the Inspection Committee, which was established to examine the journalist and author’s claims, is likely to conclude by the end of March. The allegations primarily concern former President Niκos Anastasiades, who has already filed a lawsuit against Drousiotis.

One of the key witnesses expected to testify this month is former President Niκos Anastasiades. He is anticipated to present his own book, Slanderer, as evidence. The book, set for publication within the month, aims to counter the claims made against him in State Mafia and other works by Drousiotis. According to sources, Anastasiades will use the book to challenge the statements made by his former associate at the Presidential Office.

Once the testimony phase is complete—amounting to a total of 120 witness statements—the report will be submitted to the head of the Anti-Corruption Authority, Charis Poyatzis. He will review the findings and draft his conclusions. If criminal offenses are identified, the report will be forwarded to the Attorney General, who will determine the next steps. Otherwise, the case will be archived by the Anti-Corruption Authority.
