Andreas Mathikolonis on Empowering Women Entrepreneurs

Andreas Mathikolonis on Empowering Women Entrepreneurs

Unity Growth Co-Founder Speaks About Scaling Challenges, Operational Efficiency, and the Women in Business and Beyond Conference

The Women in Business and Beyond Annual Conference is set to take place on July 13th at the Carob Mill in Limassol. This event is dedicated to empowering women in business through insightful discussions, interactive workshops, and exceptional networking opportunities. On the occasion of the conference, FastForward interviewed Andreas Mathikolonis, one of the co-founders of Unity Growth, the organization behind the event.

In our interview, Andreas highlighted the key takeaways attendees can expect from this year's conference, including inspirational keynotes, engaging panel discussions, and dynamic networking opportunities. Additionally, he shared valuable insights into the common challenges businesses face when scaling and how Unity Growth helps overcome them.

What are some common challenges you see businesses facing when trying to scale, and how does Unity Growth help overcome these?

One of the most common challenges businesses face when trying to scale is maintaining operational efficiency while expanding. This includes managing increased customer demands, ensuring consistent product or service quality, and integrating scalable systems and processes. Another significant challenge is securing adequate funding to support growth initiatives.

Unity Growth helps businesses overcome these challenges by providing strategic guidance and practical support. We offer coaching and mentorship to help businesses develop robust growth strategies, identify and secure funding opportunities, and implement scalable systems and processes. Our team of experienced entrepreneurs works closely with businesses to tailor solutions that meet their specific needs, ensuring they are well-equipped to navigate the complexities of scaling successfully.

Additionally, Unity Growth leverages advanced automations to execute company operations. These automations have significantly aided the organisation of events, by streamlining tasks such as scheduling, marketing campaigns, attendee management, and data analysis. By automating repetitive tasks, we ensure operational efficiency, allowing our team to focus on delivering high-quality experiences and strategic initiatives. This integration of automation and AI not only enhances our operational capabilities but also provides our clients with innovative solutions to scale effectively.

Could you share some key takeaways or highlights attendees can expect from this year’s conference?

Attendees of this year’s Women in Business and Beyond Conference can expect a rich and immersive experience packed with valuable insights and practical knowledge. Key takeaways include inspirational keynotes from top female industry leaders, engaging panel discussions on the latest trends and challenges in the business world, and interactive workshops designed to enhance professional growth.

The 'Beyond' aspect of the conference embraces and applauds the incredible work of women in fashion, art, and sports

Highlights of the event include exhibitions featuring over 20 female-led businesses, offering attendees a chance to explore a variety of products and services, and dynamic networking opportunities to connect with like-minded professionals. The "Beyond" aspect of the conference embraces and applauds the incredible work of women in fashion, art, and sports. By highlighting these areas, we celebrate the diverse talents and achievements of women, encouraging a broader understanding of success. This inclusive approach not only empowers women in business but also recognizes and values their contributions across various creative and athletic fields, fostering a holistic environment for growth and inspiration.

The conference aims to empower women by providing them with the tools, knowledge, and connections needed to succeed in their entrepreneurial and professional journeys. This comprehensive approach ensures that attendees leave the conference with actionable insights, expanded networks, and renewed motivation to achieve their goals.

How does the conference create unique opportunities for networking and collaboration among attendees?

The Women in Business and Beyond Conference is designed to foster meaningful connections and collaboration among attendees. The event includes dedicated networking session, interactive workshops, and panel discussions that encourage active participation and engagement. Attendees will have numerous opportunities to connect with speakers, panellists, and fellow participants through activities and informal gatherings.

Additionally, the conference features an exhibition area where female-led businesses can showcase their products and services, providing a platform for attendees to discover potential collaborators and partners, even to purchase products and services on the spot. In this exhibition area, over 10 community partner organizations will be supporting the initiative behind the conference, further enriching the networking experience.

By creating an environment that encourages open dialogue and the exchange of ideas, the conference aims to build a strong community who support and uplift each other.


In your opinion, what are the most significant barriers women face in the business world today?

In today’s business world, women face several barriers, starting with persistent gender stereotypes that undermine their leadership abilities. Societal norms been there for decades, often question women's decision-making skills, leading to biases in hiring, promotions, and everyday workplace interactions. Another major challenge is access to capital; women-owned businesses receive only a fraction of venture capital funding compared to their male counterparts, making it difficult to scale their enterprises.

Balancing professional responsibilities with personal and family life is another critical issue. The pressure to achieve work-life balance can lead to career setbacks or decisions to opt out of leadership roles. Organizations must implement family-friendly policies to support women's career aspirations.

In today’s business world, women face several barriers, starting with persistent gender stereotypes that undermine their leadership abilities

On a personal level, studies have shown that on many occasions, women struggle with confidence and self-doubt, which can hinder professional growth. Additionally, women often need to balance their masculine and feminine energies in the workplace and at home. This means blending leadership, action, and focus with intuition, creativity, and compassion. Achieving this balance is crucial for their overall well-being and success, not only for women but also for a health family.

Supporting women in balancing their professional and personal lives, and encouraging confidence and self-assurance, is essential for their empowerment and success.

How can organizations like Unity Growth contribute to breaking these barriers and promoting gender equality in business?

Behind every successful organization are dedicated individuals. At Unity Growth, founders Dr. Andreas Mathikolonis, Hess Adnani, and Tom Borgerding are the driving force behind efforts to break barriers and promote gender equality in business. We have developed mentorship and coaching programs, which empower women entrepreneurs with the skills and confidence needed to navigate the business world. These programs provide valuable guidance from experienced professionals, helping women overcome challenges and advance in their careers, in a supportive environment.

Unity Growth also organizes events and conferences that create platforms for women to network, share experiences, and gain visibility. Such initiatives foster a supportive community where women can collaborate and learn from one another. Moreover, by highlighting and celebrating achievements in diverse fields, including fashion, art, and sports, Unity Growth promotes a broader understanding of success and encourages inclusivity.

We actively create opportunities to connect with investors and secure funding for the ventures, helping to overcome the biased perceptions that often hinder women-led businesses.

Our initiatives also raise awareness about the importance of men and women ratios in the business world. By advocating for equal opportunities and supporting initiatives that address work-life balance, our organization helps women pursue leadership roles without compromising their personal lives, promoting family-friendly policies within organizations.

Looking ahead, what are your future plans for Unity Growth and the Women in Business and Beyond Conference?

Looking ahead, Unity Growth plans to expand its reach with our 13-week Elevate Bootcamp program, providing intensive training and mentorship for early-stage startups. This program equips participants with the skills and knowledge to navigate scaling challenges and achieve sustainable growth. We have developed comprehensive resources and tools to help businesses succeed in a competitive market.

For the Women in Business and Beyond Conference, we plan to make it an annual event with a broader scope, incorporating more diverse topics and speakers to address the evolving needs of women in business. Our goal is to create a platform that empowers women and fosters a more inclusive and equitable business landscape. Many women-related organizations have embraced the conference's vision, showing support and enthusiasm for our mission and vision. Their collaboration has been instrumental in shaping the conference into a powerful platform for change and empowerment.

In addition to business and professional development, the conference celebrates art, music, and fashion, providing a stage for women to promote their skills, dreams, and achievements. Future events will continue to highlight these creative expressions, offering women more opportunities to showcase their talents and connect with like-minded individuals. By integrating these elements, we aim to create a holistic experience that empowers and inspires women in all facets of their lives.

What: Women in Business and Beyond Annual Conference

More Info

Who: Dr Andreas Mathikolonis is a seasoned professional with over 15 years of experience in strategic and operational management across corporate, educational, and non-profit sectors. He excels in establishing organisations, project management, budget planning, and evaluating projects for investment. Since 2015, he has been deeply involved in the digital assets industry, specialising in fund management, private equity and venture capital investments, token economics and digital assets development and integration. Andreas offers training, consultations, and mentorship, holds certifications in Prince2, CySEC Advanced and AML and he is an HrDA trainer. He holds a PhD, MBA, and MEng degrees, and he is a respected speaker at Digital Assets and FinTech events. He enjoys volunteering, food and wine pairing, watersports, and staying updated on technological trends.
