From Friends to Founders: For Mouzourou & Neofytou, Integrity and Professionalism Come First

From Friends to Founders: For Mouzourou & Neofytou, Integrity and Professionalism Come First

The Rise of Two Female Lawyers in Cyprus' Legal Field

We do not yet know with certainty if the future is female, but we know for sure that these two young lawyers are poised to make an impact on the legal world of Cyprus—perhaps sooner than you might expect.

Louiza Mouzourou and Ioanna Neofytou, the co-founders of the law firm Mouzourou & Neofytou LLC, are both grounded and dedicated to the science they love. Through the interview, it becomes evident that their commitment to providing high-quality services and their strong dedication to integrity, guided by their values and vision, will make these two professionals a topic of discussion both within and outside Nicosia in the near future.

Ms. Mouzourou and Ms. Neofytou discuss the initial challenges of opening their law firm, the legal landscape in Cyprus, their vision and plans for the future, and the aspect of gender—which never goes out of style, especially in a field that, until relatively recently, was considered male-dominated. Ultimately, the interview not only highlights their professional side but also emphasizes how a strong friendship can overcome and absorb the challenges of a joint venture.

What inspired you to start your own law office, and how has the experience been so far? What were the biggest obstacles you faced when starting your own law office and how did you overcome them?

The inspiration to start our own law office stemmed from a shared vision to provide personalized, high-quality legal services in Cyprus. Both of us, Louiza Mouzourou and Ioanna Neofytou, recognized a need for a firm that not only excels in legal expertise but also deeply values integrity and commitment to clients. Our journey has been incredibly rewarding, filled with both challenges and triumphs.

One of the biggest obstacles we faced was establishing our presence in a competitive market. We overcame this by leveraging our extensive networks and maintaining an unwavering commitment to excellence. Building trust with clients was crucial, and we achieved this through consistent high-quality work and a client-centric approach. Additionally, managing the dual roles of legal practitioners and business owners required meticulous planning and a robust support system. Neither of us had extensive experience in business management. To navigate this, we utilized technology to streamline our processes. Implementing efficient case management systems, automating routine tasks, and maintaining organized workflows were critical steps in overcoming these obstacles.

Despite these challenges, the experience has been immensely fulfilling, reinforcing our dedication to the legal profession and our clients.

How would you describe the legal landscape in Cyprus, and what are some unique aspects of practicing law here? What do you see as the most pressing issues currently facing the legal system in Cyprus?

The legal landscape in Cyprus is dynamic and multifaceted, reflecting the country's unique blend of historical influences and modern legal practices. Practicing law here offers a diverse range of cases, from civil and criminal matters to corporate and banking law, which provides a rich professional experience. One unique aspect of practicing law in Cyprus is navigating the complexities of the legal system within the context of both local and European Union regulations.

One of the most pressing issues facing the legal system in Cyprus is the need for judicial reform to enhance efficiency and reduce case backlogs

Currently, one of the most pressing issues facing the legal system in Cyprus is the need for judicial reform to enhance efficiency and reduce case backlogs. The modernization of legal procedures and the adoption of digital technologies are critical to improving the administration of justice. Additionally, ensuring transparency and maintaining high ethical standards are ongoing challenges that require continuous attention.

As young female lawyers, have you encountered any gender-related or age-related biases in your profession? How do you think the legal profession in Cyprus is progressing in terms of gender equality?

As young female lawyers, we have indeed encountered gender-related and age-related biases at various points in our careers. These biases often manifest in the form of underestimation of our capabilities or assumptions about our commitment to the profession. However, we have consistently proven our competence and dedication through our work, gradually changing perceptions and earning respect in the legal community.

Our relationship has grown to that of commitment, friendship, and deep understanding, and we always strive to empower and celebrate each other through every challenge or success that comes our way

Additionally, as many women do we have had to face the challenge of taking on the joint responsibility of work as well as the primary responsibilities for our families and private lives. While finding a balance between running a successful business and dedicating time and effort for our families has not been easy, at the same time the difficulties have brought us closer together as women founders, allowed us to connect in our shared experiences and support each other through them. Our relationship has grown to that of commitment, friendship and deep understanding and we always strive to empower and celebrate each other through every challenge or success that comes our way.

More generally, the legal profession in Cyprus is making strides towards gender equality, with more women entering the field and taking on significant roles. There is a growing awareness of the importance of diversity and inclusion, which is fostering a more supportive environment for female lawyers. Nevertheless, there is still progress to be made, particularly in achieving equal representation in senior positions and decision-making roles. Continued efforts to promote gender equality and support female lawyers are essential for the profession's evolution.

What aspects of your work bring you the most satisfaction and joy, and what keeps you motivated to continue growing your careers? How do you balance the demands of running a business with the responsibilities of practicing law?

The most satisfying aspect of our work is achieving positive outcomes for our clients and knowing that we have made a tangible difference in their lives. Whether it’s winning a challenging case or providing effective legal counsel, the gratitude and trust of our clients are immensely rewarding.

Balancing the demands of running a business with practicing law requires strategic time management and delegation

What keeps us motivated is our passion for the law and our commitment to upholding justice and integrity. Each case is an opportunity to learn and grow, and the dynamic nature of legal practice ensures that our work is always intellectually stimulating.

Balancing the demands of running a business with practicing law requires strategic time management and delegation. We prioritize tasks, set clear goals, and rely on a strong support team to manage administrative duties. By maintaining a structured yet flexible approach, we ensure that we can effectively serve our clients while also nurturing the growth of our firm.

What are your goals for the future of your law firm and what advice would you give to other young lawyers in Cyprus who are considering starting their own office?

Our goals for the future of Mouzourou & Neofytou LLC include expanding our range of services, embracing technological advancements to improve efficiency, and strengthening our presence both locally and internationally. We aim to build a legacy of excellence and trust, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and innovation within our firm.

For young lawyers in Cyprus considering starting their own office, our advice is to remain steadfast in your commitment to your vision and values. Building a successful law firm requires perseverance, resilience, and a willingness to continuously learn and adapt. Networking and building strong professional relationships are crucial, as is maintaining the highest standards of integrity and professionalism. Embrace challenges as opportunities for growth and never lose sight of the impact your work can have on your clients and the broader community.

What: Mouzourou & Neofytou LLC 

More Info

Who: Louiza Mouzourou is one of the founders of the Firm. She obtained a Law degree from Democritus University of Thrace and a Master of Laws in International Commercial Law from European University of Cyprus. She was admitted to Cyprus Bar Association in 2015 and since then she is a member of the Nicosia Bar Association. Prior to joining the firm, Louiza worked as a lawyer in reputable law firms. During her experience as a lawyer, she has covered a range of criminal and civil cases both before the District and the Supreme Court of Cyprus.

Ioanna Neofytou is one of the founders of the Firm and she is a member of Nicosia Bar Association. She obtained a Law Degree and a Master of Laws in Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure from National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. She has been involved in high profile civil and criminal cases in Greek and Cypriot Courts. She is currently a Doctoral Candidate at the Department of Law of the University of Cyprus and her research explores the intersection between neuroscience and law. She has been a member of the Criminal Law Commission of the Cyprus Bar Association. Also she is appointed by the Attorney General as a criminal investigator of the Independent Authority for the Investigation of Allegation and Complaints against the Police.
