breakpoint: Dr. Marianna Prokopi Demetriades on Launching a Biotech Company in Cyprus 10 Years Ago

breakpoint: Dr. Marianna Prokopi Demetriades on Launching a Biotech Company in Cyprus 10 Years Ago

Season 1, Episode 1: The Hard Decisions from Leaving Academia, to Surviving the Pandemic

Back in 2015, Cyprus’ startup ecosystem was still in its infancy. There were no major investments, no specialized know-how, and very few technical experts to support high-risk ventures. It was uncharted territory, especially for a biotech startup. But that’s exactly when Dr. Marianna Prokopi Demetriades and her partner Dr. Costas Pitsillides decided to take the leap. Leaving behind the stability of academia, they placed a big bet on an idea, an idea that aimed to develop breakthrough technologies to fight cancer.

Starting a biotech company in such an environment was anything but easy. There were countless hurdles, finding the right talent, securing funding, and navigating the complexities of an industry that was barely present in Cyprus. But they pushed forward. They believed in their vision, and they were willing to endure the challenges that came with it.

Fast forward ten years, and that initial leap of faith has transformed into something remarkable. Today, Dr. Prokopi Demetriades and Dr. Pitsillides have founded three biotech startups. Their work focuses on RNA technologies and a groundbreaking non-injectable collagen that helps heal the scars left by chemotherapy radiation, an innovative, non-invasive solution that is changing lives. Their research and development have led to U.S. patents, international sales, and continuous growth.

But the journey wasn’t just about scientific breakthroughs. It was a constant battle of resilience and strategic decision-making. They had to build a team from scratch, raise capital, and at times even buy back shares from investors who no longer aligned with their vision despite the financial setbacks it caused. They endured the economic turbulence of the COVID-19 pandemic, adapting their operations to survive. And through it all, they made a bold choice to keep their industrial production in Cyprus.

Many would have opted to move their operations abroad, where infrastructure and funding opportunities are more developed. But Dr. Prokopi Demetriades and Dr. Pitsillides had a different perspective. They saw potential in Cyprus. They believed in the country, in its people, and in the possibility of building a thriving biotech ecosystem here. It wasn’t just about business. It was about giving back, about paving the way for future scientists, entrepreneurs, and innovators in STEM to follow their own paths.

How did they navigate these tough decisions? How did they handle the risks, the setbacks, and the uncertainty? What drove them to keep going?

Find out on breakpoint, the podcast that explores the pivotal moments that shape leaders and entrepreneurs. Tune in for the full episode, available now on FastForward, YouTube, and Spotify.
