Audit Office Questions HIO Over Potential Post-Retirement Role for Yiannaki

Audit Office Questions HIO Over Potential Post-Retirement Role for Yiannaki

Concerns Raised Over Dependency on Retiring Director for Managing Overseas Patient Referrals

The Cypriot Audit Office has requested clarifications from the Health Insurance Organization (HIO) regarding a possible arrangement to purchase services from Health Ministry Director General Christina Giannaki after her retirement. The inquiry stems from concerns over the HIO’s failure to independently manage patient referrals abroad, a responsibility it was legally required to assume under Article 33 of the General Healthcare System (GHS) law.

The Audit Office’s intervention raises questions about both the financial implications for the state budget and the potential precedent of relying on a single individual post-retirement. Auditors argue that continued dependence on one person could jeopardize the sustainability of a critical public service. They have asked the HIO to explain why it has not yet developed the internal capacity to oversee external patient referrals and whether the Ministry of Health has been consulted about potential delays in meeting this obligation.

Meanwhile, the Federation of Cyprus Patients Associations has publicly challenged the HIO’s approach. The organization points out that the Ministry of Health already employs a team of over a dozen staff members, including the retiring department head. Rather than outsourcing management after Ms. Giannaki’s departure, they argue that transferring or properly training existing personnel would be a more sustainable solution.
