Corruption Allegations Emerge in Cyprus Game and Fauna Service

Corruption Allegations Emerge in Cyprus Game and Fauna Service

Game Warden Accuses Department Head of Covering for Illegal Hunting, Interior Ministry Confirms System Error

Rivalries and accusations, including claims of corruption, have surfaced within the Cyprus Game and Fauna Service, where its head, Pantelis Chatzigerou, has been accused by a game warden of turning a blind eye and protecting a hunter who did not possess a valid hunting license. The complaint was formally submitted to the Anti-Corruption Authority.

The Commissioner Against Corruption, Haris Poyatzis, confirmed the complaint to OffsiteNews, stating that the case has not yet been examined. If wrongdoing is established, it could constitute an abuse of power.

According to the complaint, the incident occurred last December during a routine patrol in Lythrodontas, where officers stopped a vehicle for inspection. The driver was found in possession of a hunting firearm but did not have a valid hunting license.

The game warden alleges that when the officers informed the hunter he would be fined, the individual immediately contacted Chatzigerou in their presence. According to the complaint, the Game and Fauna Service chief instructed the officers not to issue a fine, citing a malfunction in the digital licensing system that prevented verification of the hunter’s permit.

Additionally, the complainant claims that this was not an isolated incident and alleges that Chatzigerou has previously intervened to prevent violations from being reported. The complaint further states that he interferes with wardens' duties and covers up illegal activities.

The complaint was forwarded to Interior Minister Constantinos Ioannou, who ordered an administrative inquiry. According to official sources, the investigation confirmed that the hunter did, in fact, hold a valid license, but due to a technical issue with the digital system, the information was not displayed during the game wardens' inspection.

Speaking to OffsiteNews, Pantelis Chatzigerou dismissed the allegations, stating that the complainant has a history of disciplinary issues and had personal motives for filing the complaint.

"The game warden in question has faced disciplinary cases in the past and chose this path. He was recently reassigned to different duties and decided to target me. I am completely clean from all perspectives," Chatzigerou asserted.
