Smart Tax Strategies - The Moving Doors Advantage

Smart Tax Strategies - The Moving Doors Advantage

In Cyprus, landlords and developers who build new properties face tough challenges, especially with taxes. Moving Doors, a new real estate company in Cyprus, has a smart solution: letting landlords defer paying VAT for new buildings. This idea, based on a law called Article 11B, helps landlords make more money while still providing great places for tenants to live.

When landlords and developers in Cyprus sell or rent out new buildings, they usually have to pay 5% or 19% VAT on residential buildings. The imposition of Value Added Tax (VAT) on real estate transactions in Cyprus significantly impacts landlords and developers. Typically, new building developments attract a standard VAT rate, which can pose a substantial financial burden upfront. The direct effect of this tax can deter potential investors and strain the resources of existing landlords.

The VAT Deferment Advantage

Thanks to Article 11B, landlords can defer their VAT payment in certain situations. Moving Doors uses this rule to help landlords and developers delay paying VAT. This means they have more cash available and don't have to spend as much money right away, making it easier and more appealing to invest in real estate. 

Moving Doors expertly navigates the complexities of VAT deferment, ensuring a hassle-free experience for landlords. Their comprehensive management approach includes handling all paperwork, liaising with tax authorities, and ensuring compliance with all regulatory requirements. This turnkey solution has proven beneficial for numerous clients, as evidenced by compelling testimonials.

Moving Doors expertly navigates the complexities of VAT deferment, ensuring a hassle-free experience for landlords.

Aside from VAT deferment, Moving Doors offers a spectrum of services designed to enhance property value and ensure tenant satisfaction. These include property management, market analysis, and strategic investment advice. By prioritizing both landlord profitability and tenant quality, Moving Doors stands out in the Cyprus real estate market.

The Future of Real Estate Investments in Cyprus

The real estate landscape in Cyprus is continually evolving. Moving Doors stays abreast of these changes, offering insights and strategies to help landlords and investors adapt and thrive. The company's foresight into potential tax reforms and market shifts makes it an invaluable partner for long-term investment planning.

Moving Doors offers more than just VAT deferment; it provides a partnership that encompasses comprehensive financial management, quality assurance, and strategic market positioning. Landlords and investors seeking to maximize their returns in the Cyprus real estate market are encouraged to explore the benefits of collaborating with Moving Doors
