Nicosia Ranks 117th in IMD Smart City Index 2023

Nicosia Ranks 117th in IMD Smart City Index 2023

City's Inaugural Entry in International Smart City Rankings

Nicosia has made its debut in the international ranking of smart cities, marking a significant milestone.

According to the prestigious IMD Smart City Index 2023, Nicosia secured the 117th position out of 141 recognized smart cities. It achieved a commendable CC grade for its "Structures" pillar and a respectable C grade for its "Technologies" aspect. The evaluations encompassed a comprehensive range from AAA to D, providing a comprehensive assessment.

To conduct the research, participants were requested to select the top five indicators they deemed most vital for their city from a comprehensive list of 15. The significance of each aspect was determined by the percentage of responses received, indicating the level of priority assigned to the respective areas by the city's inhabitants.

The Municipality of Nicosia released a statement highlighting some key findings from the research. Notably, the study identified road congestion as a prominent concern, with a staggering 67.2% of respondents emphasizing its importance. Housing followed closely behind, with 51.3% expressing its significance, while corruption and security occupied the third and fourth positions, respectively, with a notable 45.4% rating. In the realm of "Structures" within the health and safety sector, an impressive 69.5% of citizens considered the coverage of sewage systems in impoverished areas as crucial, while 47.1% underscored the significance of recycling services. Public safety received recognition with a 48.3% rating. In terms of mobility, a noteworthy 13.0% of respondents did not perceive traffic congestion as a major problem, and 15.3% expressed satisfaction with public transportation services.

Regarding opportunities, a considerable 54.1% of participants acknowledged the availability of employment search services, while in the Governance sector, 40.8% perceived information on local government decisions as easily accessible. Furthermore, within the "Technologies" pillar of the health and safety domain, 37.5% of respondents felt that CCTV cameras contributed to a heightened sense of security among residents. Similarly, 37.8% reported witnessing improvements in city services through the utilization of free public Wi-Fi.

In terms of mobility, 45.1% of respondents lauded the convenience brought about by electronic scheduling and online ticket sales, simplifying the utilization of public transportation.

Lastly, within the opportunities sphere encompassing employment and education, a notable 71.0% of respondents affirmed that the current internet speed and reliability adequately met their connectivity needs. It is worth mentioning that the implementation of the Smart City project falls under the purview of the "THALIA 2021-2027" Cohesion Policy Program, with the generous co-financing support from the European Union.
