What Did Cypriots Buy Online in the First Half of 2023?

What Did Cypriots Buy Online in the First Half of 2023?

Insights from a Special Survey on Internet Trends

In the first quarter of 2023, the percentage of individuals making online purchases soared to 55.3%, a notable rise from 37.0% in the corresponding period last year. This data, derived from a special survey conducted by the Statistical Service, highlights a substantial shift in consumer behaviors towards e-commerce.

Most Popular Online Purchases

The survey revealed the most popular categories of products and services ordered or bought online. Clothing items, including sports apparel, topped the list with 82.3%. This was followed by orders from restaurants, fast-food chains, and catering services at 81.7%. Groceries and drinks from stores or meal-kit suppliers accounted for 41.4%, while sports goods (excluding sports clothing) reached 24.5%.

Among individuals aged 16–74 who ordered or bought products or services online in early 2023, a significant majority, 86.6%, purchased from local sellers. Furthermore, 80.7% bought from sellers in EU countries, and 47.2% from sellers elsewhere in the world.

Internet Usage Patterns

Nine out of ten individuals use the internet at least once a week, as per the special survey by the Statistical Service. Internet usage tends to decrease with age: from 99.3% among the 16 – 24 age group to 72.8% in the 55 – 74 age bracket.

The survey also found that individuals with higher educational levels use the internet more frequently (99.1%) compared to those with lower educational backgrounds (65.2%).

Popular Online Activities

The first quarter of 2023 saw widespread engagement in various online activities. Messaging via platforms like Skype, Messenger, WhatsApp, and Viber was used by 95.9% of internet users. Internet calls were made by 95.4%, while participation in social networks such as Facebook and Twitter was noted at 90.5%. Reading online news, newspapers, or magazines accounted for 89.1%, and searching for information on products or services matched this percentage.

Online Learning and Communication

14.8% of internet users utilized online educational materials, 13.3% participated in online courses, and 10.9% communicated with educators or students using audio or video online tools during this period.

The survey also highlighted that between April 2022 and March 2023, 50.1% of individuals aged 16-74 accessed electronic information, 43.3% had access to their stored information from public authorities or services, and 24.9% accessed public databases or registries.
