Cyprus Seeds Launches 4th Cycle, Inviting Applications for 18-Month Innovation Accelerator

Cyprus Seeds Launches 4th Cycle, Inviting Applications for 18-Month Innovation Accelerator

The Deadline for Applications Is October 31, 2024, With the Program Set to Commence in February 2025

Cyprus Seeds has officially opened applications for its 4th cycle, inviting researchers, academics, and innovators to participate in its prestigious 18-month accelerator program. This initiative aims to transform groundbreaking scientific research into commercially viable solutions by providing critical support, including grants, mentoring, training, and access to potential investors and customers.

Following the success of its 3rd cycle, which concluded in June 2024 with the creation of four spin-out companies, Cyprus Seeds continues to build momentum in driving innovation on the island. Nineteen teams from public universities and research centers in Cyprus have already participated in the program, underscoring its impact on fostering innovation and commercialization within the academic sector.

The 4th cycle is open to research teams from universities, research institutions, and Centers of Excellence across Cyprus. These teams can leverage the Cyprus Seeds platform to bring their research from the laboratory to market, with a focus on projects that address global challenges such as climate change, healthcare, and ICT.

Maria Markidou Georgiadou, Managing Director of Cyprus Seeds, expressed her pride in the program's continued success. "For the sixth year, we are supporting Cyprus' efforts to provide innovative solutions to global problems in critical areas such as health, environment, energy, agriculture, and ICT. Our previous cycles have proven the potential for creating innovative start-ups within Cyprus' academic community."

The program offers applicants a structured path to commercialization through a rigorous application and evaluation process. Applicants must be from Cyprus-based research organizations, including universities and Centers of Excellence, and each team must comprise a Principal Investigator and a Champion (Post-Doc, PhD candidate, or MS student).

Applications will be evaluated based on scientific merit, market fit, and global impact potential. Priority will be given to projects that address environmental challenges and demonstrate technological maturity.

The deadline for applications is October 31, 2024, with the program set to commence in February 2025.
