Installation of Smart Water Meters Begins in Nicosia

Installation of Smart Water Meters Begins in Nicosia

Aiming for Efficient Water Usage and Leak Prevention

The Nicosia Municipality, in collaboration with the Water Board of Nicosia, marked a significant milestone yesterday with the installation of the first two smart water meters. This initiative follows a Memorandum of Understanding that enables Smart Nicosia to contribute its expertise, systems, and infrastructure for the installation process.

The ambitious plan includes the installation of over 150,000 smart water meters across Nicosia Municipality in various stages, with an immediate focus on the walled city, where 3,000 meters will be installed initially.

These advanced meters are equipped with automatic recording and continuous monitoring capabilities. According to a press release by the Nicosia Municipality, this technology is expected to significantly reduce water loss due to hidden leaks, representing a crucial step toward the effective management of water resources and fostering green growth.

Nicosia Mayor, Constantinos Yiorkadjis, emphasized the importance of water conservation, particularly in countries facing scarcity issues. He stated, "In countries like ours, where the lack of this precious commodity has always been a challenge, proper usage and the prevention of losses are imperative."

Constantinos Parmaklis, Director of the Water Board of Nicosia, highlighted the project's long-term objective: "Our goal is the complete replacement of conventional water meters within the Nicosia district with smart meters. These will provide daily remote measurements and data to assist in promptly detecting leaks both within consumers' premises and throughout the urban network's water supply zones and sub-zones."

The project is part of the "THALIA 2021 - 2027" Cohesion Policy Programme and benefits from EU co-financing.
