Quadcode’s Hackathon Champions Achieve Legal Milestone

Quadcode’s Hackathon Champions Achieve Legal Milestone

A recent LinkedIn post from a participant of Quadcode HackAIthon 2024 shared some exciting news: the innovative concept their team created during the event has officially secured legal protection. This milestone marks an incredible achievement for the young team and opens up exciting possibilities for their future in the fintech industry.

Back in June,  Quadcode HackAIthon 2024 brought together top tech minds for a 2-day challenge.  Team TradePal took the top spot, impressing judges and participants alike with their AI-powered browser extension, which identifies candlestick patterns in trading charts, providing real-time insights and personalized education. This innovation earned the team a well-deserved prize of €30,000 and solidified their status as rising stars in the tech community. 

Now, TradePal is back in the spotlight after securing legal protection for their idea, paving the way for further development and market launch. This is a major step in turning their concept into a product.

“Our team has been focused on further developing new features beyond the MVP we presented during the Hackathon. We are also in the process of holding internal meetings to decide whether to bring TradePal to market as a standalone application or to establish a company, with TradePal as our first flagship product. Additionally, we plan to conduct a closed testing phase with experienced traders to gather valuable feedback and refine the product before moving forward. ” -  says Marinos Efthymiou, a team member of TradePal, on the project’s ongoing development. 

This accomplishment is more than just a win for the TradePal team— their success story is an inspiration for other aspiring innovators, proving that local talent can shine on the global stage.

With the next HackAIthon by Quadcode approaching next year, all eyes are on Cyprus as a hub of innovation and entrepreneurship. 
