Biden Meets with Congressional Leaders to Avoid Government Shutdown

Biden Meets with Congressional Leaders to Avoid Government Shutdown

The Deadline to Prevent a Government Shutdown Approaches This Friday

As with every month, the recurring issue of federal funding brings President Joe Biden together with Congressional leaders on Tuesday to discuss the urgent matter, as the deadline to prevent a government shutdown approaches this Friday.

President Biden will meet tomorrow with Republican and Democratic leaders from both the House of Representatives and the Senate to discuss the "urgent" issue of passing a bill for state funding by midnight on Friday (local time; 07:00 Saturday Cyprus time). The meeting will also address the legislative bill to provide American support to Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan, as the deadlock continues.

Members of Congress continue to disagree on how to avert the shutdown. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer noted yesterday that an agreement has not yet been reached and called on Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson to "expedite" a compromise.

Later yesterday, Mr. Johnson assured through a statement that Republicans are negotiating in good faith and argued that many of the unresolved issues are demands made later by Democrats. He added that he hopes for a resolution "as soon as possible."

Current funding runs out on March 1st for some federal services, including the Department of Transportation. For others, such as the Department of Defense, the deadline is March 8th.

The U.S. government narrowly avoided a shutdown last fall when hardline Republicans ousted former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy due to his agreement with Mr. Schumer on temporary state funding.
