What is OpenAI's Secret AI Project "Strawberry"?

What is OpenAI's Secret AI Project "Strawberry"?

OpenAI's Latest Development Seeks to Enhance AI Logical Reasoning and Self-Improvement Capabilities

Since the launch of the ChatGPT program, the company behind it, OpenAI, has consistently been in the spotlight for various reasons, quickly becoming a benchmark in the technology industry.

One reason for the media's focus on OpenAI is the various programs and AI technologies it develops. There is ongoing speculation about secret projects underway in OpenAI's labs, and Reuters has unveiled one of them.

Deep Learning

According to the report, this project is called "Strawberry" and aims to develop technology that will endow AI programs with enhanced levels of "logic" and "reasoning." The primary goal is for AI programs to autonomously access the Internet without user commands to self-improve. Specifically, these programs will search online for ways to upgrade themselves to perform increasingly complex tasks if required.

Previously named Q* (pronounced “Q star”), the project's tests earlier this year showed it could answer "difficult science and math questions," Reuters reports, citing anonymous sources familiar with the trials.

At this stage, much remains unknown about Strawberry, including how far along it is in development and whether it is the same system with "human reasoning" skills that OpenAI reportedly showcased in an all-hands meeting earlier this week, according to Bloomberg. It is estimated that OpenAI's goal with Project Strawberry is to advance a new branch of artificial intelligence called "deep learning," marking a significant leap forward in the AI industry.
