Booking Problems on Popular Platform Leave Travelers in Cyprus Stranded

Booking Problems on Popular Platform Leave Travelers in Cyprus Stranded

Consumers Face Cancellations and Refunds Amid Reservation Issues

Despite planning and paying for their vacations, citizens may face significant inconveniences and might end up staying home.

Recently, serious booking issues have arisen on a well-known online platform specializing in hotel reservations.

According to Virginia Christou of the Cyprus Consumers Association, numerous citizens have contacted them, expressing frustration over problems with online bookings.

These citizens, who had booked and paid for hotel rooms, were informed either after contacting the hotel or upon arrival that no rooms were available.

Specifically, Ms. Christou told Brief that there has been an increase in complaints about a well-known booking platform.

The number of complaints is so significant that the Cyprus Consumers Association investigated the matter and found that the issue lies in the miscommunication between the platform and hotels.

Essentially, the platform claims that hoteliers are to blame for the problem, as they either delay or fail to update room availability, causing the confusion.

According to Ms. Christou, in such cases, the platform is obligated to refund the full booking amount to the consumers.

Furthermore, in some cases, consumers can claim additional compensation if the issue has affected them professionally.
