Challenges and Trends in the Field of Attracting and Managing Human Resources in 2024

Challenges and Trends in the Field of Attracting and Managing Human Resources in 2024

Antonis Papadopoulos' article as featured on the Limassol Chamber of Commerce & Industry

With the advent of 2024, the field of Human Resource attraction and management is faced with a number of challenges and trends that are shaping the landscape of work and employment. Rapid advances in technology, social changes and economic shifts are creating new challenges that require industry professionals to adapt and innovate. As the work environment continues to evolve, it is vital to understand the challenges presented in order to effectively address the demands of today's business reality.

Human resource challenges in 2024

Skills Gap

The rapid pace of technological developments often creates a mismatch between the skills employers need and those available in the labor market.

Remote work

While remote work offers flexibility, it also brings challenges in maintaining company culture, collaboration and ensuring employee well-being.

Talent Competition

With the rise of freelancing and the gig economy, as well as the incentives that very big companies can offer talented professionals, acquiring and retaining talent becomes a challenge as these individuals have many options.

New generation

The new generation now entering the labor market can and does seem to have different expectations about work-life balance, advancement and what they want from an employer.

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

For companies to build an inclusive work environment and address issues of diversity and equality, it will be a significant challenge.


Balancing work and personal life, especially with the blurred boundaries of remote work, can contribute to burnout.

HR trends in 2024

The main trend we will see emerging in 2024 will definitely be the upskilling and reskilling of professionals. Beyond that, I believe that:

1) We will see a balancing of office and telecommuting to preserve corporate cultures,

2) Increased incentives for talent acquisition and retention,

3) Even more emphasis on DEI (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion),

4) We will see strategies to protect the mental health of employees but also in general more strategies to keep employees in the company,

5) Companies will adapt more to the needs of the new generation of employees.
