CY in Numbers: Vehicle Registrations, Government Employment

CY in Numbers: Vehicle Registrations, Government Employment

Statistical Service Reports

The total number of registered vehicles rose by 33.5% in the January-April 2024 period, reaching 17,589, compared to 13,180 during the same period in 2023, according to the "Motor Vehicle Registrations" report published by the Statistical Service on Monday.

Registrations of saloon passenger cars increased by 31.3%, totaling 13,851 compared to 10,546 in the corresponding period of 2023. Of these, 6,073 or 43.8% were new, while 7,778 or 56.2% were used cars. Specifically, rental car registrations saw a decrease of 18.5% to 1,399.

According to the Statistical Service, the share of gasoline-powered saloon cars in this category dropped to 48.9% during January-April 2024 from 60.1% in the same period of 2023, while diesel-powered vehicles decreased from 11% in 2023 to 10% in 2024. Conversely, the share of electric vehicles increased from 2.3% in 2023 to 3.6% in 2024, and hybrids from 26.6% to 37.4%.

Additionally, bus registrations rose to 78 in the January-April 2024 period from 68 in 2023. Cargo vehicle registrations increased to 1,963 in January-April 2024 compared to 1,332 in the same period in 2023, marking a 47.4% increase.

Specifically, light trucks saw a 48.5% increase to 1,550, heavy trucks by 40.0% to 231, road tractors (tow trucks) by 91.9% to 71, and rental vehicles by 29.1% to 111.

Motorcycle registrations under 50cc increased to 364 in the January-April 2024 period, compared to 35 in the same period of 2023. Meanwhile, motorcycle registrations over 50cc rose by 6.6% to 1,099 in January-April 2024 from 1,031 in the same period of 2023.

In April 2024, total motor vehicle registrations reached 4,762, marking a 59.4% increase compared to 2,987 in April 2023. Registrations of saloon passenger cars rose by 60.5% to 3,662 from 2,282 in April 2023.

Government Employment in Cyprus Rises

Government employment in Cyprus increased by 5.2% or 2,697 individuals during the January-April 2024 period, compared to the same period in 2023, with the average reaching 54,837 employees, according to data released by the Statistical Service on Monday.

In April, government employment totaled 55,253 individuals. Of these, 12,238 were employed as permanent staff in the Public Service, 4,274 as indefinite-term employees, 1,334 as fixed-term employees, and 5,784 as hourly workers. Permanent staff constituted the largest group in the Public Service at 51.8%, while fixed-term employees represented the smallest at 5.6%.

In the Education Service, there were 11,910 permanent employees, 1,193 indefinite-term employees, 4,449 fixed-term employees, and 152 hourly workers. Permanent employees made up the largest proportion at 67.3%, with hourly workers forming the smallest group at 0.9%.

In the Security Forces, the composition was 8,182 permanent staff, 4,688 indefinite-term employees, 300 fixed-term employees, and 749 hourly workers. Permanent staff made up the largest percentage at 58.8%, and fixed-term employees the smallest at 2.2%.
