Cyprus Launches Offshore Renewable Energy Project

Cyprus Launches Offshore Renewable Energy Project

The Official Launch of the Shorewinner Project Will Take Place in Cyprus on September 26.

The official launch of the SHOREWINNER project, which aims to strengthen the offshore renewable energy sector in Southern Europe, will take place in Cyprus on September 26, specifically at the Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

A statement from the University of Cyprus mentions that the SHOREWINNER project is an ambitious collaboration under the Erasmus+ program, bringing together 22 partners from Portugal, Spain, Italy, Greece, and Cyprus.

The partners are working with great dedication towards creating a strong Community of Practice (CoP) dedicated to Offshore Renewable Energy Sources (ORES), while also focusing on upgrading and reskilling the workforce to meet the growing demand for specialists in this vital sector.

In Cyprus, the SHOREWINNER CoVE project consists of the following organizations: the Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCCI), the University of Cyprus (UCY), the CARDET Research and Education Center, and INTERCOLLEGE.
