Cyprus Ship Adoption Program Completes 2023-2024 Academic Year

Cyprus Ship Adoption Program Completes 2023-2024 Academic Year

Over 100 Ships Adopted by Elementary Classes in Successful Educational Initiative

A total of 102 ship adoptions by elementary school classes from across Cyprus were made under the Ship Adoption Program for the 2023-2024 academic year. The program concluded yesterday with a ceremony in Limassol.

According to a statement from the Cyprus Shipping Chamber, the ceremony was attended by Deputy Minister of Shipping, Marina Hadjimanolis, a representative from the Ministry of Education, and participating elementary school teachers.

During the event, the Chamber awarded certificates of participation to the educators involved in the program throughout the year.

In addition to the 102 adoptions by elementary school classes, this year also marked the adoption of over 1,000 ships since the program's inception in 2006.

The program, an initiative of the Cyprus Shipping Chamber and CYMEPA, has been successfully running annually since 2006. It is officially supported by the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Transport, Communications and Works, and the Deputy Ministry of Shipping.

The Chamber expressed its warm appreciation to its member company, Columbia Shipmanagement, for sponsoring the ceremony, as well as to the Ministries that support the program.
