Key Stakeholders to Discuss Employment Strategy for Third-Country Nationals

Key Stakeholders to Discuss Employment Strategy for Third-Country Nationals

The Meeting, Set for 12:15 PM at the Ministry of Labor, Aims to Finalize Discussions on the Matter

Today, social partners are scheduled to meet with the Minister of Labor and Social Insurance, Yiannis Panayiotou, to discuss the strategy for employing workers from third countries. The meeting, set for 12:15 PM at the Ministry of Labor, aims to finalize discussions on the matter. Participants will include representatives from trade union organizations SEK, PEO, and DEOK, as well as employer organizations OEB and KEVE.

The issue of strategizing the employment of workers from third countries has been pending for a considerable period and is a matter that significantly impacts the labor market in general, and more specifically, the hospitality industry.
