New Agreement Sought for LNG Terminal Completion

New Agreement Sought for LNG Terminal Completion

There Is a Willingness Between ETYFA and CPP-Metron, to Reach an Agreement About the Completion of the Lng Import.

There is a willingness between the two contracting parties, ETYFA and the Chinese company CPP-Metron, to reach a different agreement concerning the completion horizon of the LNG import and regasification terminal at Vasilikos, "possibly even outside the contract," stated the Minister of Energy, Commerce, and Industry, George Papanastasiou, in statements after a closed-door session of the Energy Committee, which examined the matter.

"All alternatives are on the table" and are being discussed between the contracting parties, the Minister emphasized.

Mr. Papanastasiou said, "On one hand, there is a contract which we insist must be adhered to by the contracting parties, and on the other hand, there is a willingness from both parties to reach something different, but this will depend greatly on the two parties."

"The different outcome would be to have a completion horizon for the terminal, not necessarily within the specific relationship derived from the contract, it could possibly be outside the contract," he underscored.

Regarding the floating unit, Mr. Papanastasiou said it "is completed" and "we are in consultation with the contractor and the classification society that will provide the specific certification, and the ship can sail from China to Vasilikos, provided that all documents are in order and all arrangements for the departure of the ship to Vasilikos are made."
