New Inquiry Committee Appointed for Vehicle Recalls – Who Are the Members?
Investigation into the Sale and Import of Vehicles in Cyprus
Attorney General Giorgos Savvides announced on Tuesday the appointment of a three-member Inquiry Committee to investigate the sale of vehicles from the EU in the Cypriot market, the import of vehicles from third countries, and the recall of such vehicles.
According to a statement from the Legal Service, the committee will be chaired by Michalakis Christodoulou, a former Supreme Court Judge. The two other members are Michalis Vorkas, President of the Cyprus Bar Association, and Theodosios Chatzimichael, an official from the Audit Office.
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The statement further explained that “the Attorney General of the Republic, Giorgos L. Savvides, decided today, under the Investigative Committees Law (Cap. 44), to appoint a three-member Inquiry Committee to examine the distribution of vehicles from the EU in the Cypriot market, the import of vehicles from third countries, and the recall of these vehicles.”
The Attorney General and the appointed committee members held their first meeting earlier on Tuesday, during which they were briefed on their terms of reference. These terms will be included in the Attorney General’s Decree, which will be published in the Official Gazette of the Republic.
During the meeting, the committee members signed a declaration confirming that they have no direct personal interest in the matters under investigation.
The appointment ceremony for the Inquiry Committee will take place on Wednesday, March 12, 2025, at 11 a.m. at the Legal Service of the Republic.