Frederick Research Center Secures 3rd Place In RIF Funding

Frederick Research Center Secures 3rd Place In RIF Funding

Receives €8.9M In Competitive RIF Funding, Among 473 Beneficiaries In Cyprus

The Frederick Research Center (FRC) announced that, according to data released by the Research and Innovation Foundation (RIF), it ranks third among 473 beneficiaries in securing funding for research and innovation projects, following the University of Cyprus and the Cyprus University of Technology (CUT).

The RIF recently published cumulative funding data for all beneficiaries from 2016 through May 2024. The University of Cyprus received a total of €42.3 million, the Cyprus University of Technology (CUT) €16.7 million, and the Frederick Research Center €8.9 million.

The financial support was provided by the RIF for research and innovation purposes through highly competitive processes under the RESTART Program, for the period 2016-2024.

“The fact that the Frederick Research Center secured the third-largest funding, considering an additional €12+ million from European programs during the same period, is yet another testament to the significant work being done by our academics and researchers, both qualitatively and quantitatively, in the research field,” stated Alexis Onoufriou, Director of the Research and Liaison Office at Frederick University and Director of the FRC.

It is noted that the research potential of Frederick University and the Frederick Research Center has one of the best indices of scientific knowledge production in Cyprus, as evidenced by reliable analyses, and works systematically and methodically to attract and utilize funds through competitive research programs.

Over the last decade, it has participated in more than 260 research and innovation projects and has developed cutting-edge laboratories in all its areas of activity, many of which excel internationally.
