CDB Bank Reportedly in Talks with Armenian Institution

CDB Bank Reportedly in Talks with Armenian Institution

CDB bank's Future Amidst Failed Negotiations with AstroBank and New Armenian Prospects

cdb bank appears to be in discussions with an Armenian banking institution for its acquisition, following the collapse of negotiations with AstroBank, as reported by Cyprus News Agency.

It is reminded that AstroBank announced the breakdown of talks with cdb bank last Tuesday to the Stock Exchange, marking the end of a process that began in late summer.

cdb bank's Executive Director, Loukas Maragos, mentioned that the negotiations with AstroBank were conducted in a very positive and constructive atmosphere. "At the end of the day, there was agreement on some issues, and we had reached a very good point," he said, without further detailing the reasons for the breakdown.

However, KYPE reports suggest discussions with an Armenian banking institution regarding the acquisition of cdb bank.

When asked by KYPE, Mr. Maragos, without denying or confirming, merely noted that the bank has received interest both domestically and internationally in recent years.

"I cannot make any comment. What I can say is that in recent years there has been interest both locally and from abroad for the bank," he said.

If the deal progresses, it will need to be submitted for approval to the Central Bank of Cyprus, and in the case of acquiring a significant stake (qualified holding), it must also be presented to the European Central Bank.
