Cyprus Parliament Approves 2024 State Budget and Mid-Term Fiscal Framework

Cyprus Parliament Approves 2024 State Budget and Mid-Term Fiscal Framework

Fiscal Stability Highlighted in Cyprus' 2024-2026 Financial Planning

The Plenary of the House of Representatives approved the state budget for 2024 and the Mid-Term Fiscal Framework for 2024-2026. The budget received 37 votes in favor and 19 against.

Supporting the budget were DISY, DIKO, EDEK, ELAM, DIPA – Cooperation, and the independent MP Andreas Themistocleous, while AKEL and the Movement of Ecologists – Citizens’ Cooperation voted against. Additionally, the lone Socialist MP, Kostis Eustathiou, and independent MP Alexandra Attalidou also voted against.

The Parliament also approved a series of amendments proposed by various parties.

The budget is surplus, with a fiscal surplus of 2.2% of GDP and a primary surplus of 3.6% of GDP.

The total expenditures included in the 2024 state budget amount to €13.04 billion. The total revenue of the General Government is projected at €13.2 billion. For 2024, a fiscal surplus of €660 million is anticipated. The primary balance, excluding debt service expenditures, is expected to be €1 billion, or 2.8% of GDP.

Additionally, 43 amendments from the Government were incorporated into the budget.
